The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. G. K. Chesterton Why People Are Like That Today: What is love if it doesn’t distinguish between individuals? It seems to be a rare and precious experience. To generalize it into a rule…
We sub- consciously mirror the same system of threats that keep us in line. Why couldn’t we instead mirror those signals that fulfill us? And thus signal others that they are safe and welcome? Would it be confusing? I find my mood changes depending on the people I hang around. Your mood changes according to…
Looking Behind the Mirrors
It’s hard to see the system for the lie it is, but there is a way to make it easier. You can’t tell people that society is a lie and do them any good. You have to show them. The Occupy movement did that a little. The stand in that Chinese square did it a…
What Do We Want?
So outside of tools, relationships and communication, what do we really want? Experiences. Pleasure. Knowledge. We want experiences. That’s the unifying element of the other three. It answers the why. Even knowledge is an experience. We are creatures that want a why. Do we want bad experiences? Actually, we do, because we want to be…
A Vision for What We Want
Those oh so vital indicators of personal wellbeing, are they really evil? Unnecessary? Unenlightened? The part of our brain that translates physical pain also registers pain in social distress situations. This is an established fact to the point that “heartbroken” people recover faster if they go on a regimen of aspirin for a time. Interesting,…
Survival Required Sanity
So, doesn’t life seem a bit shallow most of the time? Find yourself caught in the moments as they pass with an unanswered “yes … but …” still hanging on your lips? Have you heard the phrase it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission? If you are waiting for society to give you permission,…
Natural Reference Points
We have many needs as individuals. Most people do not want to ignore their friends and neighbors. Most people do not want to incite violence in their communities. Is this not true? And these would remain true even if we removed the framework we are currently using. We have natural points of reference, our sense…
Same Shit, Different Day
Why do we want progress in life? To feel an accomplishment? I’d say we want change in life as stagnancy is death, and I guess we define ‘progress’ as good change although that is subjective. I think we are programmed to progress. Humans are curious. Everyone hear the phrase SSDD? Or to risk a bit…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…