Iron Fist in the Silk Glove
I can bring it more down to earth. The Tyr rune is a sword. We all have this spiritual sword within us, and we all use it. We don’t all use it well, but we do all use it. The angry person uses his sword impulsively, hits everything, enemy and ally, and is weakened when…
Rune of Force
The Tyr rune is the rune of force, but people do not understand force. They use it unwisely. They try to force everything, by force accomplish everything, and just as in war this is always unfortunate. There is always loss. To use force wisely you must understand its way, see fullness of force and emptiness.…
Way of the Warrior
We are talking about the Tyr rune, the sign of the warrior. For those who have been to my earlier rune classes, I will say that as obvious as this may sound, it can still be of help to have a symbol to remind you of the warrior spirit. Each rune is a force in the…
Developing a Self
Even the human body is separated into organs. That’s where the word organize comes from. The human organism itself doesn’t confine itself to specific parts of itself. There are elements of our awareness that go untouched in the modern era, but even our science has proven that these can be used and even coaxed to…
Natures Brain
Here we can interact with an order that is infinitely greater than an organic brain. We can find ways not only to control our world, but we could be promoting the refinement of life in general, the evolution and wellbeing of all life on our planet. We have the potential to uncover self-awareness on a…
Better Fangs and Claws
So are we in an enlightened age? Why for all of our cleverness have we not found peace? Not everyone is clever, just some people. Everyone is cleverer these days than they were hundreds of years ago. Thousands of years ago some of our idiots would have been geniuses in the right places and in…
Society Evolution
So if we stick to social guidelines, how do we develop? Boringly? Restricted, prudish. Can society evolve while individuals conform to expectations? Society becomes robotic. That’s the difference between conservative and progressive, both have their merits and weaknesses. Conservatives want nothing to change and progressives want everything to change. Can hierarchies survive if institutions are…
Wild Animals in Cages
Why aren’t we all brilliant scientists or great composers of symphonies? Why are some folks homeless and out of work while others are thriving? Our pressures are no longer for survival, now they are social. Yes, cultural, but our organic bodies are still only equipped to handle the natural environment, so we behave like wild…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…