What is Self-Development?
What is self-development? Trying to improve yourself and your lot in life. Fulfilling one’s potential. Examining an aspect of self or the environment and changing your relationship to it. Excellent. There really isn’t a wrong answer. Your answer does reveal how you relate to the world. There are often subtle differences of emphasis, or the…
First Controller
Ok, another bit of science. They have discovered “you are who you date”, meaning you tend to subconsciously adopt the character quirks and faults of a beloved partner not recognizing where you got them from. That’s just the most easily understood example though. Anyone you have rapport with, feel a natural sense of kinship with,…
Human Predictive Instinct
Now for human predictive instinct? That core consciousness that “dwells” in the space of the collective consciousness, well… It interfaces primarily with your root cognitive interface, the biological avatar and the embodied skeleton of perception it provides. This is how it acquires language, and how it first communicates with the world in the developmental stage.…
Predictive Algorithms
Shall we shift to metaphysics now? So I will ask you. Where did all this behavioral data come from that they can use it to predict your behavior so well? Consumption patterns? What is bought when, supply and demand curves? Your experience. The repeated and reinforced stimuli that taught you to behave in specific ways…
Avatar Analytics
Shall I go back to some science? Your genetics, and your brain that arises from your genetics, evolved to be able to anticipate events in your environment. That’s its only real purpose. Even anticipating things like your bodily needs and changes in your state of emotional well-being let’s say. One prominent scientist describes it this way.…
Agency Bias
So shall we get into the metaphysics? Every day our senses are bombarded with stimuli. Since the first day we were possessed of all of our senses, they have been recording patterns of energy. These patterns, as is entirely natural, are cyclical. Through repetition, an initial impression of a sight or sound becomes solidified and…
Handling Sensory Data
Neuro- science is discovering much about how the brain handles sensory data and which sensory “modules” interface with others. They have identified some non-sensory functions from being able to study data relating to brain injury, and by performing experimental surgery on creatures whose brains are roughly analogous to our own. There are some things that…
Using Orange Magick
An example of how to use orange magick before we conclude. Can you think of any place or condition that people find universally calming? Sunlit field. Flowing water… river. Cool breeze. Beach. Fluffy clouds. Water. You can feel the waters flow inside you when you are near it. It can even make you dizzy. Ever experience…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…