Growing the World Self
Now things get even stranger. Everything that has occurred in any other form also occurs in your body. Echo location. It can be used. Thermal “vision” can also be awakened, magnetic sensitivity, all those little bits of genetic code we share with other species, these can be awakened. They are incomplete copies of the other…
Symbiosis with the World Self
Now ready to get really “trippy”? Ever get the impression that your stomach was a machine? Well, it is and it isn’t. Its behaviour is automatic, and information about its state is constantly flooding into your brain, and all of its sensitivities make an impression in your brain as well. They show up as those…
Owning Your Thoughts
Shall we discuss thought as it’s seen in orange magick? Owning your thoughts? What do you do when a mosquito bites you? Scratch. Swat it…splat. Worry about malaria. What do you do when a mental mosquito bites you? I try to avoid it at times. You try to avoid thinking? People don’t maneuver in that…
Stop Being Thought
Orange magic helps us if we don’t think too much? Actually, it helps us to really think, and stop being thought. Putting action first enhances thinking? It does, and recognizing thought as action. Ever notice when you vividly imagine doing something, while you’re imagining it your coordination gets worse? Yes. Body and brain get disconnected.…
All Borrowed
All ability you have is borrowed, all form you have is borrowed. The structure of your body, the structure of your sense organs and thus your perceptions, even the structure of your mind, all borrowed. Ever notice that you never use something you borrow as well as the primary owner does? Yes, I feel I…
Fire Magick
Today, we are talking about orange magick. Not all magick has a showy outward form like you’re accustomed to seeing either in person or on television. It’s not even all ‘ceremonial.’ Generally, anything that falls under the heading of “self-development” would fall on the theurgy side of magick, but not everything does. Orange magick is…
Move to Whyever
Has anyone else heard of the theory that all reality is merely an energy field and that what manifests materially is caused by consciousness? Reality is a collection of energy fields, both implicate or pan-determined if you will, and explicit, and these fields each present their own unique domains of consciousness. Why can’t a metaphysical…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…