Instant Script
What about socks? Mine are white. Are they really? They disappear in the laundry. Socks are unreliable. I check my feet. See what happens? And your mind goes on from there, instant script, all starting from the question, What about socks? Let’s try something juicier. What about love? Find yourself going over old scripts? You probably…
New Director
What inspired Picasso or DaVinci? Imagination. Internal vision. Ah, making images, making “movies.” They took ownership of their cameras. How did their use of their minds differ from our own? And called crazy, but I’m thinking crazy isn’t always a bad thing. Scientists are beginning to think the same. I’d say their minds ranged more…
Reel Life
I’ve been thinking that whenever I have stress or anxiety, it’s usually or always because I’m looking at the wrong things. People pay excessive attention to the “big picture.” Can you watch a movie while you keep your eyes fixed on the walls of the theater? No, and the director of a movie is constantly moving…
What is Design?
Tonight’s Design of Intention subject will either help bring clarity, or muddle things much worse. Some things are like that I guess. First I will ask, what is design? Placing elements together in a pleasing arrangement. How about “structured intention”? A wild surmise. Excellent, both are of course correct. Does something other than you control your…
Epic Story Arc
For those of you who are literary types, can you insert a new character in a story just anywhere? It wouldn’t be as effective as it could be if you did. It wouldn’t make sense. Effectively, you break continuity and suspension of disbelief. Well, the material world is a harsh editor. It will not allow…
Flow of Chi
In wuxing everything is chi. What gives rise to the apparency of all the countless things is a process of filtering. Chi filtering down through one state into another, each point influencing the next one down the stream, but it’s all still one united stream of energy. In wuxing, insight, things and circumstances seem to…
Navigating Your Wyrd
How you get around the influence of wyrd is treating it like a wind condition while you’re trying to practice archery. You still take your shots but you adjust for the wind direction and force. This is the essence of what the Norse called seethe or weaving, and is really the origin of the concept…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…