Weight of Wyrd
Shall we go outside of Buddhist thought for more information on Buddha nature? The Norse had a concept called wyrd, pronounced weird, and it was the seed around which your personal life events or circumstances unfolded. In the concept of wyrd, it may seem there is a sort of fatalism. In fact, the word almost…
You Are All Things
Today we are talking about a concept most clearly described by the traditions of Buddhism but one that is indeed present in other traditions as well if you know where to look. The Buddhists call it Buddha nature. The primary concern in Buddhism was and is to find the genuine self, and their observations, as…
Tripping in the Dark
A related phenomenon to vroloks would be therians. Therians are a class of beings like vroloks that induce atavism in human partners. Evolutionary regression and the human component is a partner, not a host, as the therian doesn’t actually drain energy from the host or the environment around the host. Like co dependence? It can…
Helping Hosts of Vroloks
Is there anything we can do to help the hosts? There is. The old rites of the exorcist actually explains both the relationship of horror stories to these beings as well as illustrates a cure. The old mystery traditions were ritually staged horror stories for introducing both an experiential awareness of their sacred symbolism as…
Avenues for Vroloks
The most common manifestation of a vrolok is as a haunting presence of one degree or another, showing greater or lesser evidence of actually having the personality of a deceased human being. I’ve noticed that haunted houses seem to have sadness in them like a trauma that never left. These wouldn’t have sadness. They would…
Vrolok Beings
Is Vrolok one specific being or a name for a classification of entity? Vroloks are a classification of beings who have no physical form as we know it. They are not discarnate humans. They are not discarnate vampires. Would that be like Sasquatches and the Loch Ness Monster? They are very much in existence but…
Spirit Manifestation
I have spoken of spirits before in previous classes, and one might get the impression that they are far removed otherworldly creatures. But today, among other things, we will explore how far from the truth that is. A famous physicist spoke of a different model of physical reality than most of us are accustomed to,…
Knowledge is Power
In theory, there can be some circumstance that compromises knowledge like being blind or suffering exceptional brain damage. The blind have no knowledge of sight, but they do have ideas about sight. Learning about it is not the same as knowing it, or am I mistaken? It’s said that in the kingdom of the blind,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…