Crystal Language
All patterns of any kind are information, which brings us to the subject of “crystal” language. Math is basically crystal language in that it forms ordered and static patterns and interacts with other values in a consistent or “quantum” way. Basic integer math is the basis of even our spoken language characters. All the characters we…
Crystal Substance
Uses for crystals. Each crystal has its own specific resonance, and metals are also crystals. Copper and silver are very popular “metals” in metaphysical practices. Turquoise is a silver oxide not typically considered, but I will offer that you will find turquoise substitutes well for silver, if you are seeking a calming or mind expanding…
Crystal Synchronization
Crystals are much more common than people generally realize. Any inorganic chemistry has a crystalline dynamic in it. Anyone have any experience using crystal magic? I have one experience. I read that one should clean a crystal and then sleep with it under your pillow. I was doing that and one of them kept me…
DonJuan Poetry Encore
Poetry reading encore presentation by DonJuan Writer recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend online events. Visit our Poetry page and submit your own creations. Subscribe to One World Pod DonJuan’s Poetry [catlist id=579 tags=donjuan excludeposts=8950 numberposts=0] Podcast music provided by Opsound: Beat Jan2003 by Michael…
Wisdom Of Face
If I call you child, I am right to do so. If I call you crone, I am right to do so. If I say you are as old as the hills, I am right. If I say you were born yesterday, I am right. We are never born. We are always born. Both are…
Faces Are Not Enough
Humanity as a species are primarily visual animals, that is why I chose face as a topic. When with people, what do you see? The body. Sure, I see the body before the soul. Do you see the body, or do you see what you think the body is? Is the idea of the body…
Real Self
Today we talk about faces. Face as an aspect of reality. Face, is that a military command? It is a military command, and everyone is to some degree militant. When we seek to save face, what are we seeking to preserve? Ourselves? The visage? The image? The reputation? Our ego? The fear of exposure to…
The Philosopher’s Stone by Bryan Vining
We all bring certain pre-conceived notions into any conversation. The story of the Philosopher’s Stone shows how this applies to one of the roots of modern scientific method, but it is a quick extension to see that it applies to all knowledge-seeking and, indeed, to all knowing. Science can tell us many fascinating things about…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…