Greater Whole
Synergy can be loosely defined as two or more things operating as a greater whole. In unity (and people are very much into the unity buzzword these days), reality cannot operate outside of its nature. Everything is constantly operating as a greater whole, but we think that any given “this” has nothing to do with…
Sanity Delusion
Your mind has always been operating on the “implicate order”, but you have been ignoring it. Your subconscious mind ignores nothing and processes any and all experiential identities. If it has a form, your subconscious mind recognizes and remembers it, and in every moment where what the average person calls their “perception” breaks… Well, it’s…
Greatest Error
The Pali Cannon is right, totally right, but most people I have met don’t really understand why. The greatest error is false identification. It gets explained in a very ham fisted way as “ego”, but you don’t correct an error just by calling it an error. The ego is an error, because it doesn’t incorporate…
Synergy is not so much something to attain, as it’s a literal fact. Synergy is when two or more things act as a greater whole than the identifiable parts, and “life” is synergy on a grand scale. Where people get confused is when they assume synergy is only when things are operating in harmony. Everything…
In The Web
I got my start as a teacher and was very doubtful of the worth of my contribution, but I was asked so I did. Reflecting, it’s still a mystery why. A lot of people need to understand the spiritual part of their lives. Many people have no spiritual life. Teachers are needed. I had begun…
Drive To Understand
I just can’t believe that some people think meaning is found only in procreation. Well, to use some peoples ideas, religion is the bi-product of human mental limitations. Thus the experiences reported in religious/spiritual experience are inherent to the biology. If this is true, and it isn’t really an elective state, then this tendency in…
Many people discourage exploration of any “dark” feelings or discussion of dark states as “not spiritual.” What is spiritual darkness? Feeling of separation? Not just separation. One can be moving along fine in life and feeling very connected, and for no reason they can put a finger on, that sense of centeredness ends. For myself,…
Change With Will
I will go into how mind magic differs from psionic practice. Psionic practice is entirely personal. A process of self discovery where the forces and symbols of your own mind are uncovered, and utilized more in an artistic way than as a science. Psionics is your own personal vision, and adapts as you come to…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…