Essence of Relationship
Intimacy is vital and most people have only a loose view of what it is, if they have it at all. Intimacy is the essence of relationships. You live and breath in a state of intimacy with the earth itself. You eat from an intimacy with the earth. Your body can eat of anything found…
Feeling Disconnection
Many spiritual groups don’t welcome dark feelings or dark sentiments in their functions. We don’t have this prejudice on Reflection Island, and our Spiritual Darkness class is to give that its place in our awareness. I would like to start by offering the floor to anyone who would like to share some element of darkness…
Color of Magic
All magic and any energy is basically a form of “light.” By connecting to a color, or a domain of function, you do take on more of that energy. It’s all vibration, energy waves. Anyone have a color of magic they want to focus on? Yellow. Yellow magic is the magic of inquiry. The gift of…
Rainbow of Magic
You have probably heard the terms “white magic” and “black magic.” What are your thoughts on that? Doesn’t the black and white model seem really off? The conventional notion is that white is good, and black is bad. It’s in all the fairy tales. Yes, this is in the modern telling. The older stories aren’t that…
Dynamic Peace
I will be honest. I both don’t like people at all, and like them very much. I find them endlessly amazing. I did an interview not too long ago and was asked what I intended to do. What my goal was. For myself nothing, because there is nothing really for me to get. But I…
You Are Power
In Hawaiian culture, they acknowledge all forms of life as family, and they aren’t being abstract about it. So my power is the power of the piece of pizza I ate this morning, should I declare myself to be pizza? Sometimes when you’re hungry you feel your strength coming back by every bite. Indeed, and…
Power In Life
The subject is power, and I’m not talking about the egotists ambition. I’m talking about the force that moves the world. There is power, and we think we have it, and yet deeper in our hearts we really fear we don’t. And for most of us on any level, we aren’t really sure what it…
Life Driven Power
Sometimes the power of science can cut through myth? Sometimes the power of science creates its own myths. Scientific egotism really needs a reality check. A big piece of our medical knowledge is actually recycled shamanism, but not the profit motive. But the point is, any observation regardless of ascription, looks at the universe and…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…