Self Righteousness by Jeff Moore
Have you ever noticed that you can be acquainted with different people at times and think; ‘Wow this is the nicest person?’ They are always smiling and doing good things like they are living in a Brady Bunch world. But then all the sudden they see opportunity, or you do something they don’t like and…
Channeling Technique
I practice a channeling but not like it’s popularly practiced, and I don’t usually put my method forward because it seems very alien. There is a simple idea. Energy is life, so matter is life also. Energy forms fields that are non localized, and all energy is life. So the life of other things can be…
Transmutation of Energy
In the case of cardiac nerve studies, they found heart nerves don’t seem to suffer any sort of energetic rejection. It doesn’t matter whose heart the heart tissue is from, if it’s still alive it will synchronize. There are stories of organ donees who have memories of their donors? Yes, thus there is more study…
Transfer of Power
Many of the modern medical observations came from old “occult” experimentation, “necromancy”, and alchemical exploration. The common practice for chemical analysis in old alchemy was by taste, and human material was used in medicines as in a sweetbread. Heart in animals is a “sweet meat”, as is brain, which do tend to go to the…
Basis of Cannibalism
The word ‘cannibalism’ itself was actually a Spanish ethnic reference to the caribe tribesman of what we all know as the Caribbean islands. In the case of the more common examples of traditional endocannibalism, and even in the case of much exocannibalism, it was believed that a spiritual essence was contained in a particular part…
Fabric of Reality
The negative impact of the human mind on the fabric of reality. Thought is viral. Human thought tends to be negative so it is self perpetuating. Someone gets a pessimistic attitude about their life or a business, and that has a subtle negative impact on other peoples views. They will be second guessing, and eventually…
Hurt People, Hurt People
Hurtful people don’t need reasons to be hurtful. There is a simple truth, hurt people hurt people. They don’t respect themselves, so no one can be respected. If we are continually abused we come to believe what is heaped on us is true, but there is an unusual way out of it. The bad person…
Have you considered what you will do at transition? Some people think that it works one way. Spirit communicating with incarnated. It isn’t that neat, not that orderly, and some put forth the idea that anything in human incarnation is human. That isn’t necessarily so either. I didn’t undergo the process of immersion, and I…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…