Category: Intention

We all have genuine intention. Intention is the way of your spirit. It’s the spiritual life path in its essence. You may express that in any of an infinite variety of ways, but it’s still the same thing. It is like people have two drivers, the mind and the spirit. But ultimately, it’s the spirit that has the final say, because it had the first say. It will have the say about what comes after this life as well.

We have a will to live, a will to wake, a will to love. But our true intentions go beyond just our biological needs. We have a will to see things in the world. A will to grow more in harmony with the world and the people we love. We have a will to peace.

“It is not good enough for things to be planned – they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.” Walt Kelly (American Cartoonist notable for his comic strip Pogo. 1913-1973)

“Concentrated attention is the collection of units of power on a chosen point of intention.” James Arthur Ray

  • What Is Intention?

    What Is Intention?

    First. What is intention, friends? To intend is to know you will do something. How often do we actually know that we will do something? As you know, the road to hell is filled with good intentions. Indeed. Actually, peoples ideas of intention are often misguided. Intention is a lie? Because you can’t cross a…

  • Thoughts Vs Intentions

    Thoughts Vs Intentions

    To lack intention is to feel adrift. Even in all the getting you might be doing, you will feel like you have nothing. It’s a popular idea in new age thinking that you never fail at anything. They have a lot of hand waving and supposed insights, but no actual explanations. We can discuss an…

  • Your Ultimate Intention

    Your Ultimate Intention

    Do you intend to be right or do you intend to be happy? If you intend to be right, you will be wrong. If you intend to be happy, you will be whole. Some people just have to be right all the time, why is that? They’re never happy, because they can never relax. They…

  • Final Say

    Final Say

    I find people often say they had to make a decision for me. Is this really what they did? No. They do think they did though. What they did is ignore a path you were on. They didn’t see that they could choose that. They gave me two options, but I couldn’t choose one. When…

  • Life Is About Intention

    Life Is About Intention

    My name is Travis. Travis means gate keeper, or man of the cross roads. My Mom chose it intuitively. It does seem to be my purpose to bring us to this gate. I don’t make people choose, but I do something “evil”. When you see that you have the choice, you can’t go away and…

  • What is Design?

    What is Design?

    Tonight’s Design of Intention subject will either help bring clarity, or muddle things much worse. Some things are like that I guess. First I will ask, what is design? Placing elements together in a pleasing arrangement. How about “structured intention”? A wild surmise. Excellent, both are of course correct. Does something other than you control your…

  • Reel Life

    Reel Life

    I’ve been thinking that whenever I have stress or anxiety, it’s usually or always because I’m looking at the wrong things. People pay excessive attention to the “big picture.” Can you watch a movie while you keep your eyes fixed on the walls of the theater? No, and the director of a movie is constantly moving…

  • New Director

    New Director

    What inspired Picasso or DaVinci? Imagination. Internal vision. Ah, making images, making “movies.” They took ownership of their cameras. How did their use of their minds differ from our own? And called crazy, but I’m thinking crazy isn’t always a bad thing. Scientists are beginning to think the same. I’d say their minds ranged more…

  • Instant Script

    Instant Script

    What about socks? Mine are white. Are they really? They disappear in the laundry. Socks are unreliable. I check my feet. See what happens? And your mind goes on from there, instant script, all starting from the question, What about socks? Let’s try something juicier. What about love? Find yourself going over old scripts? You probably…

  • Drawing with Colour

    Drawing with Colour

    Shall we get down to the actual techniques to design intention? No intention can be created out of context. You always have to work with the medium at hand, but does that necessarily confine what pattern you create? If I only have sepia ink, can I draw a fish? What about if I only have…

  • Express Four Things

    Express Four Things

    Shall we move into the fourth dimension now? This is where you start honestly believing in things. You believe things are real when there are three elements. You believe they are meaningful when they have four. Life begins to look immersive. You can start imagining you have choices with four elements, and yet, what about…

  • Desire and Intention

    Desire and Intention

    I need to start with questions so we can begin with an agreement of terms. This is necessary to have a fruitful talk of this sort on desire and intention. So to start with, what is desire? Being drawn to something. Something you feel that you want or need. And what is intention? A goal…

  • Stolen Intentions

    Stolen Intentions

    What we have by default is a set of desires. Our desires are innate traits, flesh and blood rules of survival and well being. I think we established earlier that we have these innately, yes? That we don’t have to learn or consciously choose these? We do indeed want to live. What we lack is…

  • Need to Do

    Need to Do

    So how do I desire to do the things I need to do? Then another necessary question, does intention matter? It does if you don’t want bad things to happen… have to brush your teeth or they will fall out regardless if you want to do it. In answer to that question, I must ask…

  • Reclaiming Personal Intention

    Reclaiming Personal Intention

    So even just based on this talk, it seems to illustrate how challenging reclaiming personal intention would be for us even as small groups let alone world wide. Does it not? Yes. I find myself at a loss. Why does the idea seem so unimaginable? Perhaps an example to illustrate the question. If I try…

  • Spirit of Role Play

    Spirit of Role Play

    I think some Role Play communities provide a framework that allow people to get what they need from it. Ideally, they should. That is the spirit of role playing and role playing games. Those that don’t allow that quickly die out. Role playing is an example of intention coupled with desire. The assumed purpose of…

  • Huge Psychotic Delusion

    Huge Psychotic Delusion

    We need other people to feel fulfilled in life. What we actually need is something that other people can give us and aren’t yet. This is why there is so much noise in social interaction, so much tension and drama. We instinctively realize this stuff isn’t real so we pressure each other. We are like…

  • Can We Live Without Violence?

    Can We Live Without Violence?

    Can You Describe Violence? What is violence? Violence is doing harm to others.Violence is upset of balance.Violence is an act driven by hate.It is a negative feeling. So a surgeon is committing violence? If a surgeon stopped mid way, yes.He is fixing what is wrong.Or if the surgeon were doing it for sadistic pleasure. They…