Category: Metaphysics of Science

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that focuses specifically on the concepts we use to understand reality itself, rather than what might be the best way to do something. Science was originally classified as a philosophy, in my opinion it still is, but many object to the notion that science is still a philosophy. They point at what they feel is proof that science possesses substance that philosophy doesn’t.

There is a schism between science and metaphysics that I believe would be well served by being bridged rather than having the bridge burned. Would you say that working toward a better and clearer metaphysics is without merit in today’s world?

“It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.” Albert Einstein

“Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions” Vera Rubin

  • Gold Standard

    Gold Standard

    Shall we talk about the significance of gold in alchemy? Sidebar first: In Egypt, where alchemy as we know it had its origin, gold was valued less than glass. It’s pretty significant in modern science too. Indeed, it is. The alchemical interest in gold really had nothing to do with making themselves wealthy. For alchemists,…

  • Naturalistic vs Heuristic

    Naturalistic vs Heuristic

    Could you explain what you mean by naturalistic and heuristic? A heuristic is a cognitive bias. It’s simply the rule set our brains form without even trying. Each of these “rules” was intuited to be an elemental component of the human soul, and in their default state they were considered to be the reason that…

  • Schism Between Science and Metaphysics

    Schism Between Science and Metaphysics

    Is everyone familiar with what metaphysics is? The why? It’s the branch of philosophy that focuses specifically on the concepts we use to understand reality itself, rather than what might be the best way to do something. Science was originally classified as a philosophy, in my opinion it still is, but many object to the…

  • Thoughts on Rationality

    Thoughts on Rationality

    The first issue in my view is the attitudes people have about irrationality. What do you think? To my own view, rationality is equivalent to mechanism, artificiality. Is that fair to say? So thoughts on rationality? Is it always a virtue? If it is always a virtue, wouldn’t evolution naturally select for it? Can you…

  • Science Should Evolve

    Science Should Evolve

    What do you suggest should replace science? I feel science should evolve, not throw out the virtues it held in its earliest beginnings. How well is reality as mechanism serving us? Does mainstream science seem willing to view it any other way? How do you feel about the notion that the answer to all of…

  • Wide and Plastic Thinking

    Wide and Plastic Thinking

    We only can see a certain segment of reality. I do not think even our most sophisticated equipment allows us to see all of reality. We are still kids playing with rocks and sticks. Reality itself allows us to see all of reality. It’s self-encoding, and not in the least encrypted, but while we insist…

  • Move to Whyever

    Move to Whyever

    Has anyone else heard of the theory that all reality is merely an energy field and that what manifests materially is caused by consciousness? Reality is a collection of energy fields, both implicate or pan-determined if you will, and explicit, and these fields each present their own unique domains of consciousness. Why can’t a metaphysical…

  • Metaphysics of Science Topic Interests

    Metaphysics of Science Topic Interests

    In a holograph does time exist? No. Only in linear analysis of a hologram can time exist. So reality is a hologram? Yes. One section of a broader base image arising on and emerging from a pre-existing infrastructure. I heard one theory that time is a hologram of the final universe projected backwards so that…

  • Handling Sensory Data

    Handling Sensory Data

    Neuro- science is discovering much about how the brain handles sensory data and which sensory “modules” interface with others. They have identified some non-sensory functions from being able to study data relating to brain injury, and by performing experimental surgery on creatures whose brains are roughly analogous to our own. There are some things that…

  • Agency Bias

    Agency Bias

    So shall we get into the metaphysics? Every day our senses are bombarded with stimuli. Since the first day we were possessed of all of our senses, they have been recording patterns of energy. These patterns, as is entirely natural, are cyclical. Through repetition, an initial impression of a sight or sound becomes solidified and…

  • Avatar Analytics

    Avatar Analytics

    Shall I go back to some science? Your genetics, and your brain that arises from your genetics, evolved to be able to anticipate events in your environment. That’s its only real purpose. Even anticipating things like your bodily needs and changes in your state of emotional well-being let’s say. One prominent scientist describes it this way.…

  • Predictive Algorithms

    Predictive Algorithms

    Shall we shift to metaphysics now? So I will ask you. Where did all this behavioral data come from that they can use it to predict your behavior so well? Consumption patterns? What is bought when, supply and demand curves? Your experience. The repeated and reinforced stimuli that taught you to behave in specific ways…

  • Human Predictive Instinct

    Human Predictive Instinct

    Now for human predictive instinct? That core consciousness that “dwells” in the space of the collective consciousness, well… It interfaces primarily with your root cognitive interface, the biological avatar and the embodied skeleton of perception it provides. This is how it acquires language, and how it first communicates with the world in the developmental stage.…

  • First Controller

    First Controller

    Ok, another bit of science. They have discovered “you are who you date”, meaning you tend to subconsciously adopt the character quirks and faults of a beloved partner not recognizing where you got them from. That’s just the most easily understood example though. Anyone you have rapport with, feel a natural sense of kinship with,…

  • Our Pattern of Engaging

    Our Pattern of Engaging

    Human beings are not naturally “rational” creatures. We will not compromise our sense of our personal wellbeing, usually in favor of having highly accurate data. In the case of my own disorder, my brains inability to screen incoming sensory input for relevant data is even crippling, compromises competent daily function. As my wife says, I…

  • Fractal Mirrors

    Fractal Mirrors

    Metaphysics is the school of thought that deals with attempting to refine and clarify the concepts we use to understand reality. Even though we may not be able to see it directly, there is a quality, character or “shape” to the force that leads us to exhibit our cognitive biases, not only us but other…

  • Fabric of Consciousness

    Fabric of Consciousness

    So in short, there is a fabric of consciousness just as there is of space time. In truth, these two are identical. It’s not smooth. It’s not featureless. It’s not mechanistic. If anything it’s “bubbly”, like blood. So consciousness is the third dimension to space time? It’s dimension zero, the absolute. Space and time are…

  • Reality Unzips Your Program

    Reality Unzips Your Program

    The reason a computer can read anything from a zip file, a file that has been reduced down to the minimal amount of data necessary, is that the greater bulk of information the file requires is implied implicitly to the function of the computer itself. The computer just fills in the blanks. The same happens…