Category: Self

Self awareness is the first spirit. The first sphere or plane of existence. Signs of self are always two, one dream, one nightmare. Those two facets, the vivid and the darkened, are on the same level. Self awareness is returning to the middle way. Continuing to recognize despite the vastness of it all that you are still present and able to choose.

Self is life. It’s why we are concerned with life, but how do we lose self awareness? How do we become creatures of our experience only? How do we fall asleep? If you seek truth, if you desire wisdom above all else, this is life. Heed your beating heart, listen to the whispers of your breath, and remember that you stand upon the earth.

Open chapter on Self Development | Self Esteem.

“We’re constantly being told what other people think we are, and that’s why it is so important to know yourself.” Sarah McLachlan (Canadian Singer and Songwriter, b.1968)

“One must know oneself. If this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life, and there is nothing better.” Blaise Pascal (French Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist, 1623-1662)

“Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control – these three alone lead to power” Alfred, Lord Tennyson (English poet often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry, 1809-1892)

  • Pre-Judice


    Is there any room for self in self promotion? Yes, if you promote truth. Promoting truth leads to altruism. In your pursuit of the truth and dedication to it, you will eventually come to save other people the hardship of figuring things out for themselves. If you are compulsively advocating for your own interests, what…

  • Genuine Interest In Self

    Genuine Interest In Self

    With respect to altruism or egotism, we’d be better off just to forget both ideas altogether? They don’t serve anything? Well, people can’t really forget anything, and a lot of new agers become very discouraged from trying. What would be better to do is take a genuine interest in self. You exist in a world…

  • Facets to Self-Actualization

    Facets to Self-Actualization

    What do we really want in life? We pursue many things in life, simple things and complex, material things and spiritual. We need energy and strength to fully self-express / develop / grow. How many of these things are in themselves inherently rewarding? We too often make the error of forgetting the simple, and it’s a serious error. Recent…

  • Self-Actualization Schools of Thought

    Self-Actualization Schools of Thought

    We have highly developed brains, so much so that they have grown wild and even to some degree choke themselves out. Or so we think. Oh, highly developed doesn’t necessarily mean good. They can be good, but whether they are or not is something to be looked at on a case by case basis, like…

  • State of Society

    State of Society

    Human behaviors we consider evil come from a learned sense of perversion of natural desires and drives. There is no upside to frustration for its own sake. It doesn’t make us wiser, and instead will in time make us less sane. Ergo, sociopaths among us. Yes, as they have come to believe that is the…

  • False Identification vs Self Actualization

    False Identification vs Self Actualization

    Now I will consider my own appearance in Second Life. Superficially perhaps, it would seem I am just another example of the dark/vampire trend. In general, those who are exploring this idea and role would prefer to put it down. Instinctively, they want to see a world of vibrant life and abundance where everyone is…

  • What is Self-Development?

    What is Self-Development?

    What is self-development? Trying to improve yourself and your lot in life. Fulfilling one’s potential. Examining an aspect of self or the environment and changing your relationship to it. Excellent. There really isn’t a wrong answer. Your answer does reveal how you relate to the world. There are often subtle differences of emphasis, or the…

  • Wild Animals in Cages

    Wild Animals in Cages

    Why aren’t we all brilliant scientists or great composers of symphonies? Why are some folks homeless and out of work while others are thriving? Our pressures are no longer for survival, now they are social. Yes, cultural, but our organic bodies are still only equipped to handle the natural environment, so we behave like wild…

  • Society Evolution

    Society Evolution

    So if we stick to social guidelines, how do we develop? Boringly? Restricted, prudish. Can society evolve while individuals conform to expectations? Society becomes robotic. That’s the difference between conservative and progressive, both have their merits and weaknesses. Conservatives want nothing to change and progressives want everything to change. Can hierarchies survive if institutions are…

  • Better Fangs and Claws

    Better Fangs and Claws

    So are we in an enlightened age? Why for all of our cleverness have we not found peace? Not everyone is clever, just some people. Everyone is cleverer these days than they were hundreds of years ago. Thousands of years ago some of our idiots would have been geniuses in the right places and in…

  • Natures Brain

    Natures Brain

    Here we can interact with an order that is infinitely greater than an organic brain. We can find ways not only to control our world, but we could be promoting the refinement of life in general, the evolution and wellbeing of all life on our planet. We have the potential to uncover self-awareness on a…

  • Developing a Self

    Developing a Self

    Even the human body is separated into organs. That’s where the word organize comes from. The human organism itself doesn’t confine itself to specific parts of itself. There are elements of our awareness that go untouched in the modern era, but even our science has proven that these can be used and even coaxed to…

  • How You Feel About Yourself

    How You Feel About Yourself

    What is self-esteem? Feeling good about yourself. Belief in oneself. Other thoughts? How we regard our self. Is it a popular idea for most people? In my experience, people tend to disdain the notion to one degree or another. What about you? People like to be humble. Or at least claim it. So no matter how…

  • Tapestry of Meaning

    Tapestry of Meaning

    So my question, can we live an idle life? Patient yes, but not idle. I think it’s unhealthy to be idle. I don’t think it’s in our nature to do so. Why wouldn’t it be, if life is more or less meant to be vegetative? If we are just meant to survive, reproduce and expire?…

  • Poor Self Esteem

    Poor Self Esteem

    If our self-image stemmed from our honest experience of self, what would that be like? The answer to this question is the essence of Gnosticism in the nutshell. Bloated egos? Bloated egos come from a magnification of the self-image to cover up the sensation of self just as you might be tempted to swing an…

  • Maturing Childhood Symbols

    Maturing Childhood Symbols

    Going back to what I referred to earlier, we create symbols to give ourselves a sense of security, meaning and clarity, continuity to life, and well, the adult symbols tend to break us down rather than nurture our sense of well-being. But ever notice even very young children make symbols? The teddy bear becomes a…

  • Play With Me

    Play With Me

    Shall we take another childhood notion and see what it looks like naturally matured? The childhood notion of inviting friends to play? That simple request, play with me, allowed to mature we would see that there are things we want in addition to company, as an addition, not as a replacement. We would look to…

  • Color the World

    Color the World

    So shall we explore another childhood notion? Coloring! Coloring. We want to be able to see out in our world what is in our head. This is why children often “use the wrong color.” It’s not the wrong color. They want to see that character with a green face, or the tree if it were…