Tag: intention

  • Attention and Intention

    Attention and Intention

    When you share an experience in any way, there is a need to reproduce the picture or data as presented by another. How is that possible without principles governing thought? How is it we experience anything to share with another, the observer, the part that not only says I am, but also I see? The…

  • Power of Intention

    Power of Intention

    Attention is one power of astral logistics.  The other power we have of astral logistics is intention. We are told intention doesn’t matter, and that it doesn’t matter what you intend to do. It’s a clever trick, because it keeps us off our feet. It keeps us doing what we must. If we keep paying…

  • Twisted Intention

    Twisted Intention

    Sit your body wherever you like. What I would ask you, is where are you sitting in your mind, and how long have you been sitting there? Oh, 44 years. Long time to sit isn’t it? There is a basis for moving minds. It’s the will, and does the will sit still? I think so primarily,…

  • What Is Intention?

    What Is Intention?

    First. What is intention, friends? To intend is to know you will do something. How often do we actually know that we will do something? As you know, the road to hell is filled with good intentions. Indeed. Actually, peoples ideas of intention are often misguided. Intention is a lie? Because you can’t cross a…

  • Your Ultimate Intention

    Your Ultimate Intention

    Do you intend to be right or do you intend to be happy? If you intend to be right, you will be wrong. If you intend to be happy, you will be whole. Some people just have to be right all the time, why is that? They’re never happy, because they can never relax. They…

  • Life Is About Intention

    Life Is About Intention

    My name is Travis. Travis means gate keeper, or man of the cross roads. My Mom chose it intuitively. It does seem to be my purpose to bring us to this gate. I don’t make people choose, but I do something “evil”. When you see that you have the choice, you can’t go away and…

  • Gods Intention

    Gods Intention

    What is a Gods intention? Gods intention is the law of reality. Gods intention is why a rose smells like it does, and why our planet is where it is in relationship to the sun. It’s also why we can see and hear and think, and why this has any structure. Our senses are the language…

  • Intention Is Always There

    Intention Is Always There

    Does the world look like we intended it to? Perhaps describing my own apocalypse… Seen from a strictly autobiographical view, my life has not really ever gone as I intended it to. I have had one failure after another, and my list of substantial accomplishments is from my point of view non-existent. The more I…

  • Form Follows Intention

    Form Follows Intention

    But form is not all genetics, is it? No, it’s not all genetics. Ever hear the phrase, form follows function? Well, form actually follows intention. The reason we develop stress related illness so easily, to the point now that they are the worlds biggest killer, is because form follows intention, and we compose our intentions…

  • Desire and Intention

    Desire and Intention

    I need to start with questions so we can begin with an agreement of terms. This is necessary to have a fruitful talk of this sort on desire and intention. So to start with, what is desire? Being drawn to something. Something you feel that you want or need. And what is intention? A goal…

  • Reclaiming Personal Intention

    Reclaiming Personal Intention

    So even just based on this talk, it seems to illustrate how challenging reclaiming personal intention would be for us even as small groups let alone world wide. Does it not? Yes. I find myself at a loss. Why does the idea seem so unimaginable? Perhaps an example to illustrate the question. If I try…