Tag: patterns

  • Repetitive Life Patterns

    Repetitive Life Patterns

    For me, anything I get deeply enmeshed in seems to have a death clock start. There is a powerful creative initial surge, and then it winds down. I can feel the event playing out and losing any life. Sometimes this is healing for the person, and whatever falls apart needed to for their best interest.…

  • Vigilance Patterns

    Vigilance Patterns

    Shall we go into how base consciousness is mirrored in thinking consciousness, even if distorted? First and primarily it surfaces in our vigilance patterns. This is why you think that people, the world, or God, are watching you. Your life force prompts you to be aware, and to seek the realities that support its growth…

  • Patterns In Human Awareness

    Patterns In Human Awareness

    I am familiar with forces at work that behave as “Gods” do. As broad as my knowledge base may be, I do have a better grasp of some things from personal experience than others. The only Gods I have experienced are more or less “thought forms”, colonies of psychic energy that act upon the world…

  • Patterns Of Chi

    Patterns Of Chi

    Today, science is recognizing many of the patterns older disciplines based their lore on, if with severe qualifications. But the Chinese yearly zodiac also corresponds to a cycle of the five categories of earth, fire, water, wood, metal. It’s not just, say, the year of the ox, it’s the year of the fire ox. They…

  • Negative Space Patterns

    Negative Space Patterns

    Ever find yourself watching water drip from a faucet? Notice you have a sense of its rhythm even if it’s a little staggered? Yes, the body mind stops. Suddenly one is feeling, and everything is less serious, and all is ok. Indeed. That is the essence of what I am getting at on anticipation as…

  • Different Patterns in Different Places

    Different Patterns in Different Places

    Perhaps something a little more grounded in personal experience. How many places do you ever visit in your dreams? Ah, I seem to go to the same places over and over. A cycle, even when the events seem inconsistent, the geography isn’t. Don’t you think that is maybe a bit weird? It does seem to…

  • Patterns in the World

    Patterns in the World

    For me, god is life. I have not experienced a single sovereign god. I experience multiple gods, though I don’t like the term god. It’s too hierarchical. e ulu e ulu, kini o ke akua. kini = innumerable number of “gods”. Only akua is not God. In the old usages; akua (best we can decipher…

  • Patterns of Connection

    Patterns of Connection

    We all express and develop a pattern of connection like a spiritual web and just as webs can vary in their appearance and even function, so can styles of connection. We filter really all of our experience through these, some more stable, some less, some clear, some heavily mixed up, though perhaps no absolute model…

  • Different Patterns of Connection to Animals

    Different Patterns of Connection to Animals

    To get down to the practical point of tonight’s topic of Animal Paths… Though we all contain the potential for any animal consciousness, like our neurons wiring together in different ways, we have a different pattern of connection to other animals. Some are stronger than others. I once had a dream that I was walking…

  • Partitions and Patterns in Reality

    Partitions and Patterns in Reality

    Reality is structured in a partitioned way. Our brains are, our perception of the passage of time, we even think of life as passing in stages or phases. It’s sort of like living many lives, but in the course of what we think of as a single life. Do we always make it out of…

  • Patterns Show Up

    Patterns Show Up

    What color is Tuesday? Tuesday is white, Monday blue. It’s actually irrelevant. I have a lot of associations that are just noise. They are noise even to me in that they form only the fringe of other patterns, but my brain forms patterns in sensation and thoughts and emotions and memories that are maybe atypical.…

  • Seeing Patterns

    Seeing Patterns

    They describe savants as geniuses for the same reason high IQ individuals are described as geniuses. I think where the savant is impaired is the second part of the genius process, selective retention. They struggle to single out some images or ideas or bits of information from others, whereas the normal genius does this more…

  • Talismans are Consecrated Patterns

    Talismans are Consecrated Patterns

    I ponder Golden Arches as talisman. It is one. Heavenly gates? Streets of gold? I will never again look at McDonalds quite the same way. It is perhaps why people think McDonald’s food equals death. You cannot create a pattern and have it make no impact on the world. Patterns created by humans shape the…

  • Behaviour Follows Patterns

    Behaviour Follows Patterns

    Mystery is today’s topic. This includes ideas like divine revelation, perceptual quirks, and many other things. Much in the way of mystery is dismissed in this day and age is it not? Yes. Sadly. I get the impression that many main stream thinkers seem to believe they know everything, or know how to know everything…

  • Patterns of Attention

    Patterns of Attention

    Anyone want to offer a test situation? Any situation? Yes. Right now, in Guild Wars 2, I am trying to figure out how my guardian can take on many enemies at once. Ok, that will work. Where do you stick your sword? You can look at the mechanical facts, there are many enemies, and you…

  • Reconstructed Neural Patterns

    Reconstructed Neural Patterns

    What is memory? Memory seems to be recalling experiences from your brain. They have found in experiments that when you imagine something you have never experienced, and when you recall something you once did experience, you use the same systems in your brain. So imagination employs memory. Indeed it does. The predominant theory about memory…

  • Patterns of Stress

    Patterns of Stress

    Molecules are subject to quantum influences. The warm wet breakdown theory is proving more and more to be untrue. Quantum effects occur in biological systems quite commonly. In the leaf of a plant, the eye of a bird, and in us as well. So each of these dynamically circulating proteins serves as an information medium…