Psychic Self Defense
I have had many dreams in which I have been advised how to fight. Use words and my hands as a light source and weapon. Psychic self defense. Yes. Your self image, specifically your awareness of your body, is a psychic presence. That interface between your body and your mind is an actual tool in…
Manage Your Psychic State
How dangerous it is to open portals/doors? I have eight manifesting in my dreams and my guide wants me to open them. Not dangerous. Your mind is a part of an infrastructure. Beyond those doors is the broader psychic realm. The equivalent is the streets of the huge city of the mind. You must have…
Mood is Part of a Psychic Signature
What is mood? Your present state of mind. A lingering attitude. An emotional state. It is all these things and more. How many of you are familiar with auras? Even science is now beginning to recognize the ability of one body/mind to affect another in other than an overt material or conscious way. A communication…
Psychic Potential
I will start with a question, as I often do. Why do many people fear the idea of psychic potential? They may be afraid of something that they themselves haven’t experienced or are afraid to tap into. People know how awful their thoughts can be and don’t want others to read them. Strangely, it doesn’t…
Psychic Tumours
Psychic malignancy is the tendency of something to behave in a viral fashion. Where do viruses breed best on a biological level? In life forms? And when out of life forms in biological waste, either dead and decaying matter, or literal eliminative waste. I think they die out when all their hosts are dead. Oh,…
Psychic Scrub
When anyone functions from a self-actualized center, does anything to improve their psychic health, they convert the waste energy into healthy energy again. Self-will acted on is liberating not only for you but for everyone around you. Wear white after labor day if you want to, because you want to. There is the idea that…
Psychic Touch
When people fall in love aren’t they seeking the “I” in another? Not their own I, because you cannot own an I. You are it. But if they can get out from under the psychic malignancy, you will realize you are seeking contact with your kin, with the real being behind all the substance. Are…
Psychic vs Psychotic
Would you say that modern celebrity spiritual leaders show any sign of madness? Any televangelist, for a start, and how so? I wondered why Hare Krishnas give out carnations and what does it mean when you accept one? It means I have removed part of their motivation to accost people at random, to my point of…
Psychic Physiotherapy
Neuroscientists are very proud of an idea they have discovered in the domain of regular thinking. You have no free will. In normal thinking, you have what they call free won’t. You can seem to exercise choice by omitting some element of your thought pattern. But the thought pattern keeps its original shape no matter…
Which Type of Psychic Is Best for You? by Katie Leigh
Psychics and mediums have been assisting people that are seeking help and guidance for many centuries. In fact, shamanism, one of the earliest forms of spiritual guidance has been used for thousands of years. Today, psychics are as popular as ever with people that are seeking spiritual guidance or maybe answers to personal problems or…
Psychic Driving
This is our dark metaphysics class, so in it we tend to get into topics some may find questionable. The intent is not to offend as much as it is to inform and perhaps thereby forearm or disarm fears that might not be entirely justified. With that being said, I will begin. In the worlds…
Spiritual Psychic Health Ebook
This is a very complex topic, and we’ve compiled an ebook that explores all the chakras from the base consciousness to the higher self. Download the full ebook on Spiritual and Psychic Health. Please provide your feedback below. If you find it of value, donations are appreciated via our paypal account. Your thoughts are welcome. Be well…
Reclaim Old Psychic Energy
So, observation and reaction… Shall we explore some examples? Let’s focus on the home scale. Your home observes you. The home being a collective of many things, and it observes you through reacting to the distribution of your personal energy, what you interact with and what you neglect. The home will even begin to adjust…
7 Signs of Clairaudience: Is Your Psychic Gift Showing?
There are many different ways to connect with the spirit world around us and it is important to understand that the way gifts manifest for one person may not be the way they manifest for someone else. While there are many psychic gifts that get a lot of attention, one often overlooked one is clairaudience.…