You Are Free
We create our own resistances, our own restrictions. They are made out of “human nature”, and your human nature is not the same as mine. We need not confine ourselves to one set of tools. The story can be multi-media instead of just text. The program can have jokes written into the code and not…
Design Your Experience
Who has design as part of their career or former career? Where do you start when you are going to create a design? I do research. Decide what mood I want to create and then look at other work that creates that mood. I think about it and wait for an idea. Idea and then collecting…
Efforts Are Not Pointless
We like small frames of reference. We are willing to accept success in whatever form it seems possible, often to the point we never even question it, but how well will nature reward our current model of success? Why people get addicted to games I think, hollow successes. Why are the successes hollow? They don’t…
Why Does Work Seem to Fail?
Are there any moments in which you do no work? I suppose even if I am watching TV, then my brain is working. I get story ideas. Biologically, breathing is work. Thoreau had some interesting remarks on work, which I will draw loosely from. What is the difference between your work and the passage of…
Events Around You
So to return, what is the difference between your ideas and your experience of events? Events are more material? Phase. Phase, verb, phased, phas•ing. noun 1. any of the major appearances or aspects in which a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind. 2. a stage in a process…
Denial as Selective Focus
Let’s explore that concept of denial as selective focus. If we see selection as denial, it leads to the notion of their being a single outcome does it not? That we can rule out outcomes by rejection of elements of our experience. Anyone ever succeed at that? I think persistence can be fruitful. Does denial aid…
What is Work?
What is work? Stuff I avoid. I think perhaps unsuccessfully. What we feel obliged to do. A task that can be accomplished. Work = force x distance. That’s the basic equation. I’m thinking of Hannah Arendt. She defines labor as something you have to do over and over like cleaning the house. But work, you…
Selective Sensory Satiation
An example of the selective sensory satiation method. What’s a typical problem reduced to one word? Fear? Fear. Say the word fear until you can’t stand saying it any more, then soon after try to think about something that you are afraid of. You may find that rather than seeming frightening, it just seems weird.…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…