Fortune Favours the Imaginative
Imagine reality is a true democracy. Reality is like a woven tapestry. What do weavers do with hopelessly snarled threads? They just snip them away and start again. People like imperfections now. It shows the hand of the crafter. They like imperfections, and don’t care what they craft. They aren’t the only ones getting a vote. The…
Reality of the Crossroads
Ever notice the poetic nature of fairy tales? Those who are long familiar with my classes have said I speak like poetry as well. Those metaphors aren’t just imagination. Our words reflect an actual object of observation. I think the rhythm is kind of magic. A rhyme helps you remember. Yes, and for fairy tales…
Elf Shot
Everyone familiar with the Kennedy assassination? Does it really matter as much where the bullets came from as it does what the outcome was? The fairy tale connection is with a concept called elf shot. It was believed that if you angered the other people, they had the means to shoot you. Not in the…
Explicit and Implicit Map
People tend to have really unusually changes of perception when under unusual stress. An otherwise down to earth person can begin to “see” presences that may or may not be there, and when whole communities are under such great stress, it can in theory result in mass hysteria which means everyone begins to have what…
Equipping People to See It Coming
Now, I will ask you my friends, do you ever just get a clear description of what someone saw or heard? Nope. There is a reason for that. There is a part of the brain that is responsible for producing what could be called a “developed” picture for you to understand. Every time the brain…
Foreign Sort of Reason
Shall we discuss fairy tales? First things first, they are not necessarily about fairies, though they can include them. They are about fates, and fairies are typically involved in many of the old tales. What are your experiences of fairy tales? They seem to be usually the voice of reason in the stories. They grant…
The Shallows
Easy often leads to disaster. I was about to go into that. The shallows. There are people who seek out the shallows. They aren’t actually hard to find. Anything that slows you way down puts you in the shallows; addiction, alcoholism, severe neuroticism, self-righteous prejudice. The shallows, the easy path, is like a swamp. Swamps…
Feel the Multiversal Flow
In the multiversal terrain, you can feel whether you are swimming upstream, or downstream, whether you are in the shallows or out of control in the rapids. Or a whirlpool. Yes. The sense just takes refining and conscious attention. There is no such thing as fate, but there are also no accidents. Seem paradoxical? As you…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…