Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Image-ination


    How much of an impact do you feel your imaginations have had on your real life situations? Visualization can be described as the active use of imagination. Image-ination. Maybe we create our reality with our imagination. There are many wise old cultures that believe that very thing. It may even be proven true as science advances…

  • Parts of Imagination

    Parts of Imagination

    Precognitive thought, as I am familiar with it, occurs in that space that your senses register the world around you. But you haven’t started thinking about it yet because you don’t believe you control what your senses perceive. They can learn patterns that you aren’t consciously aware of, and sometimes they offer a finished pattern…

  • Mass Imagination

    Mass Imagination

    People have been shown to be able to do amazing things under hypnosis. They haven’t yet done anything that seems outside the realm of public reason entirely, but they do accomplish things that they personally believe themselves unable or unwilling to do. People fear their personal imagination would be exploited, so it’s easier to just…

  • Retain Control of Attention

    Retain Control of Attention

    I think imagining a violent murder is sort of healthy. It puts reality into perspective. It is sort of healthy, yes, and then the reflexively screening of it or putting it aside is also healthy. We have to retain control not of our imaginations. We don’t have what you might call true control of that. We…

  • One Immutable Light

    One Immutable Light

    The mind has a geography all its own. Meditation can reveal a lot of that, and selective sensory immersion can reveal a lot more. This is why artists always seem so intuitive and insightful. In order to learn to do their art, they have to really focus on the sense involved in making their art,…

  • Willingly Go Into the Dark

    Willingly Go Into the Dark

    Here is where things get tricky. Our heart can seem to go where we don’t want it to, no? Our heart wants what it wants, goes where it goes of its own accord, yes? It can go to those painful memories. Or so it would seem. There is a deeper way than that. Shall we go…

  • Planetary Circuits

    Planetary Circuits

    Today I am not talking about astrological signs, just patterns, circuits. The earth has something perhaps much like our own biorhythm, but its own rhythm was set long ago when our special star system was beginning to awaken. Each planet in this system formed as a part of an interconnected process from the same general…

  • Roads of Possibility

    Roads of Possibility

    Now perhaps to make it personal… Animals are sensitive to magnetic fields, black noise, fire, sun spots. Seeing a pattern here? The same as the atmosphere? Yes. When we are exposed to strong magnetic fields it can cause us to experience changes in our perception as well, and we are sensitive to the same earth…

  • Reality Behind Astrological Influences

    Reality Behind Astrological Influences

    The conditions that allowed for the formation of DNA on our planet were set up by the effects of our planet passing through the tracks of space it did and still does, and our evolution has had a few almost complete restarts to boot. So the rhythm of DNA formation was set up well before…

  • Thumbprint on Our Planet

    Thumbprint on Our Planet

    Our track of space has left its thumbprint on our planet. Longer winters when we pass through cosmic gas or dust clouds. Chemical changes when we have had our more noticeable meteor strikes, and all the while the radiation of the sun recording itself on both the original matter and any newly added matter. Even…

  • Resemblance to Season

    Resemblance to Season

    The astrological signs all have their own personality. They are like people, just pervasively present, and people born during one of these cycles show a family resemblance to their season. What are you like when you’re born in spring? Spring is dreamy and restless. Timid and yet strangely disinhibited at the same time. Spring people are…

  • Observer After Effect

    Observer After Effect

    I may range into statements or conclusions that may seem offensive. They are not meant as such but are necessary to make today’s topic very clear. With that said today’s topic is manifold consciousness. There is a trend in both science and spirituality to explore consciousness in new and previously unexplored ways. The two fields…

  • Untold Story

    Untold Story

    Would the “big bang” have occurred when there was a critical mass of observers? The big bang actually is not a unique occurrence. The big bang would have occurred from the amount of particles interacting. The existence of those particles though, could have occurred with a mass of observers? Particles as objective phenomenon are hard to…

  • Virtual Mind

    Virtual Mind

    The common view in the majority of the scientific community is to see events of consciousness as random. All thought and feeling and thus all human behavior as events arising from the playing out of physical forces. You feel angry because there is a physical construct that pre-dictates that you are capable of anger, and…

  • Growth is the Rule

    Growth is the Rule

    In the question of which came first, the spirits/gods or man… Well, the answer is neither. We are helping these virtual minds evolve and carry on to shape the formation of what might be called higher order realities, next generation iterations or variations of our story here. Are we all (spirits, gods and man) emanations…

  • You Connect with Attention

    You Connect with Attention

    I was just reading a news article about a man who ran amok and killed a friend of a friend. It kind of shook me up. There is a force running through our world today, and a collective voice that has grown stronger as of late. It is one that doesn’t have our best interests at…

  • Independent Universes

    Independent Universes

    We are talking about ripple realities. So first a little background. All universes stem from what could be called a common source. The energy behind these various universes formed into different bodies that look something like the universe as we know it. Each of these universes had its start at the same “time” (for lack…

  • Ripples of our Universe

    Ripples of our Universe

    Now to explain the universal shell… This is where ripple realities come in. The events in our universe spread out not in a three or even four dimensional pattern, but something more in the neighborhood of ten dimensions. So each event causes things to happen that we ourselves only perceive a narrow portion of. To…