Tag: brain

  • Brain, Mind and Experience

    Brain, Mind and Experience

    Can we say that ‘mind’ is just another word for ‘brain‘? I would debate that myself. I would say mind would be more akin to the morphogenetic field, and the body including the brain more of a mechanism and memory storage device. This is perhaps why the mind-body connection seems so mysterious. If you must…

  • Brain and Mind State

    Brain and Mind State

    It has been established that the brain hormones respond to neural or sensory stimuli. They are not separate from mind state. It has also been proven that the brain cannot tell the difference between the real and the vividly imagined. Your imagination moves your feelings. You imagine a fear, and you do react to it.…

  • Angry Brain

    Angry Brain

    Anger is something that people delude themselves about seriously, and it never goes away. At any time you could become angry, and as much as you meditate, as much as you pray, anger doesn’t go away does it? It just needs the trigger and there in lays the problem, the trigger. People villainize the emotion,…

  • Gaia Brain

    Gaia Brain

    Last month when I asked you why my synchronicities were happening at a faster rate, you explained that the ‘knots’ were being untied? Yes, synchronicities aren’t “only human”. It’s a stress letdown of the Gaia consciousness, and every couple of millennia it needs to reset. It is purging our input, the old stagnant stuff, and…

  • Reptilian Brain

    Reptilian Brain

    You don’t have just one brain, really. You have three. Like the three worlds of Shamanism, they are staked one on top of the other. And although people say they use their higher functions, I will offer insight that may reveal this is actually not so common. I will compare the brain to the Shamanic…

  • Early Mammalian Brain

    Early Mammalian Brain

    The limbic system, or the early mammalian brain, is the part of you that has more than an immediate sense of your environment. It has some limited ability to predict, and has awareness of humanity as a group. Gives you the ability to understand such things as “family.” As we are not reptiles, this is…

  • Trust The Intuitive Brain

    Trust The Intuitive Brain

    What can we do with this world of imagination? Well, literally everything you do is something you imagine you do. It is literally all in your head, but what you can do is center in the middle of the processes you don’t control. The process of mind in your head is a rhythm, like your…

  • Animal Brain

    Animal Brain

    It’s established that the hindbrain has the ability to override any voluntary higher functions. Your reptilian and mammalian brains can shut your “thinking” brain off, but it does this when the information presented to it is too contradictory for it to feel secure about it. Your animal brain isn’t afraid of violence. It isn’t afraid…

  • Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain after 8 Weeks by Sarah Clare

    Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain after 8 Weeks by Sarah Clare

    Many of us have felt the peace of meditation after just a few minutes of meaningful silence. There are long-term and far-reaching benefits to meditation that we may not realize, too. A new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that just 8 weeks of dedicated meditation training changes the brain—even outside of the…

  • Natures Brain

    Natures Brain

    Here we can interact with an order that is infinitely greater than an organic brain. We can find ways not only to control our world, but we could be promoting the refinement of life in general, the evolution and wellbeing of all life on our planet. We have the potential to uncover self-awareness on a…

  • Online Brain

    Online Brain

    I watched this program that suggested Einstein was like a receiver for broadcasting alien intelligence. You can study slices of his brain to see the differences to what a normal human brain would be. Anyone with super intelligence has this brain difference. Ah well, I think people overplay the alien part. That term really only…

  • My Brain

    My Brain

    I have made mention of a brain project I have been undertaking. I am leary to talk about it, but my intuition says maybe I should, so I will trust it if you are willing. Well, they have discovered under FMRI that people with autism display what they call low functional connectivity. In a normal…

  • Math of the Central Brain

    Math of the Central Brain

    Want to know the math of the central brain? It really does use logic, I promise. A very complex utility oriented logic. Interested? The first function is to draw comparisons. It looks for any pattern of observation to be confirmed by repetition and outside sources. It’s better at fact checking than most scientists are these…

  • You are not Your Brain

    You are not Your Brain

    I find since I hit my head I am not very creative. My pictures lack something. I can not role play well any more. I just hit a wall. I panic for I do remember how I was before, so I struggle. Ah, excellent example. May I use your example? She is having trouble with…

  • Brain Signals

    Brain Signals

    Your brain is an interesting system. It has only very limited ability to tell the literal from the imagined. As you go through your day you are bombarded with sensation that has little to differentiate it from hypnotic suggestion. We generally regard ourselves as thinking beings. I won’t deny that we are, or are at…

  • The Brain Weighs

    The Brain Weighs

    The default mode network is the persistent element of your consciousness, your baseline persona. It contains all the information that we relate to preferences as well as feeling states. It prefers what allows its functional rhythm to continue undisturbed, again like a heart beat. The heart will even down regulate functions that disturb it too…

  • Viewer in the Brain

    Viewer in the Brain

    Well, maybe I should jump ahead of the metaphysics lesson and speak of something relatable… Have you ever heard a new sob story? An entirely new form of trouble, some brand new sort of suffering. If so, what was the new suffering? It might provide valuable insight. No. They all tend to be the same…

  • The Conservative Brain

    The Conservative Brain

    The brain seems hardwired to be conservative? Yes, to exert the minimum amount of energy necessary. It’s why recovery from brain injury is so difficult. It tries to achieve homoeostasis even in preference to optimal function. Long story short, the brain doesn’t like change. It is also a poor judge of causality. Its only sense…