Tag: experience

  • Experience First

    Experience First

    Why is it so difficult for some of us to find others we have a natural connection with? I can speak of my case, and maybe that will answer your question. I actually long for a sense of being in touch. You get that when you can ask someone, “Did you see that?”, and they…

  • Synthesis Of Experience

    Synthesis Of Experience

    As with all philosophical and practical considerations, not much can be accomplished without an agreement of terms. So I will begin by asking some questions. How do we know we are alive? Experiences. How do we distinguish our selves from our experiences? Heartbeat, respiration, brain wave activity. That only means that the body is alive.…

  • Experience Reveals

    Experience Reveals

    When I feel disconnected, I literally feel like my gravity will fail at any time, and I will float or fall off the planet. All disconnection is self generated. BS is a horrible weapon. It is a combination perpetual motion machine and anti-gravity device. I have to hold onto something to feel secure. But, what…

  • Experience Of Joy

    Experience Of Joy

    What is joy? What is sorrow? These two things seem to mark all meaningful moments in our lives. All the most meaningful that is. How often do we experience joy? Daily to some degree. The same with sorrow. My moods swing a lot in a day. Maybe once a week, or a couple times. Every…

  • Experience Of Devotion

    Experience Of Devotion

    Experiences of devotion. Anyone care to share? Coming to class here on Reflection Island. What is that experience like? I feel good that I am showing devotion to my spirit as well as to friends. They are both something I treasure. Feel whole with that in your life? Yes. What else makes you feel whole?…

  • Producer Of Our Experience

    Producer Of Our Experience

    Have you much experience of yourself when you aren’t doing anything? If so, what is that like for you? I think a lot. Thinking counts as doing something so it blocks out individual awareness. Does the self go away when you aren’t busy being yourself? When I’m not doing anything? I think even when I’m dead,…

  • World of Experience

    World of Experience

    Neuroscience has discovered some very interesting things. We structure our memory like it was physical spaces. This is why when you walk through a door, you often forget why you were entering that room. Your memory is your house. But what is the difference between sensation and memory? How can you tell the difference? Sensation…

  • Families of Experience

    Families of Experience

    Are you a warlock? As for the question about myself, recent research is showing a link between autism, which I have been diagnosed with, and schizophrenia. They appear to be opposite sides of a related process in the mind. The commonly understood schizophrenic has a very outward oriented behaviour pattern. They read heavily into social…

  • Experience Brings Clarity

    Experience Brings Clarity

    Experience brings clarity. We often just fall into an attraction and aversion cycle. It’s easy and more comfortable than the extremes of experience that life will in time offer us despite our best efforts. One need not engage in any specific practice. I don’t personally endorse any practice in any absolute sense. Especially not my…

  • Design Your Experience

    Design Your Experience

    Who has design as part of their career or former career? Where do you start when you are going to create a design? I do research. Decide what mood I want to create and then look at other work that creates that mood. I think about it and wait for an idea. Idea and then collecting…

  • Ourselves and Our Experience

    Ourselves and Our Experience

    How can we tell the difference between ourselves and our experiences? If a dog bites you, and you really hate the experience, are you a dog hater? Are we not a sum of our experiences? I offer that we are not the sum of our experiences. We are much greater than that. You will naturally…

  • Space Between Experience and Self

    Space Between Experience and Self

    How often do we have the experience of being absent minded when we are just sitting? While just sitting, we forget who we are? Or where we are? Daydreaming. And what do daydreams consist of? Experience? Memories, imagination, images. Are they directed by the patterns of our experience? Show any real relation to our sense or…

  • Experience of Genuine Love

    Experience of Genuine Love

    Anyone care to share a situation that seems to drain meaning from life? It doesn’t have to be from personal experience or anything. Well, sometimes the people around me seem very “opinionated.” Having new comers to class that just want to argue. Turning away from true love to raise my family. I will speak to…

  • Experience of a Living World

    Experience of a Living World

    Let’s take this to a more practical level. Why do you do anything for anyone else? Why does anyone do anything for you? Do they have to do anything? Do you? To be human and have a connection? To be human is to accept your inheritance, to accept the legacy of experience that was handed…

  • The World as You Experience It

    The World as You Experience It

    As you go about your waking day, your mind is immersed in a constant sensory register, and your subconscious doesn’t distinguish between information it gets from your outwardly directed senses, and your internal sense of your physical and emotion well being and state of mind. While you go about your day, the world as you…

  • Capture the Experience

    Capture the Experience

    If you remember the twin rivers metaphor, periodically the animal consciousness and the thinking consciousness make contact with each other. Like the separate chains in a DNA helix they normally stay apart, but when the right circumstances are present and when the right stimuli occurs, they both crash together with a simultaneous recognition and whatever…

  • Preference for Shared Experience

    Preference for Shared Experience

    Today, we are talking about something that has no official name, really. But you can find information on it under the title ‘Battle Trance’ though the phenomenon has more facets than just that one. Humanity is multi-faceted in more ways and with more depth than most people realize, and well, it’s popular to insist these…

  • Most Human Experience

    Most Human Experience

    We behave and react according to  what we perceive something to mean to us, and a good portion of that perceived meaning is obtained from simple biological sensation, but an even greater part is obtained socially from communication. We perceive things according to the meaning our social milieu assigns to them, or would you say…