Thought and Environment
Today, we are talking about dualism, specifically the conceptual separation between mind and matter. Paradox is in itself a duality, considered paradoxical because of the single truth that unifies the apparent opposites. How many people pride themselves in being a rational thinker? Logical? At times. I do. Well, more or less logical — at least…
Record Scratchers
Should you reincarnate on your personal path, it’s no big deal, never has been. Little steps until you take that big one works also, but you can make reincarnation a big deal. The more your memory is interrupted, the more stops and restarts it has, the louder your karma will get. If you think you…
Spectrum of Experience
The remedy for aging / forgetting? It’s attention. Not to information, our old folks have it right there. There is no fix for them in new fangled information. Their instincts told them that. It’s not just prejudice. Their life experience sample is big enough that they know what information does to the body, and yes,…
You Must be You
The difference in aging between parts of the body, various tissues and organs, is a pattern of forgetting, or selfing. I call it selfing because you block out portions of your experience to preserve a set of data that form an illusion that you then declare to be yourself. All it is is a stress…
I’m fat because I’m depressed? You are fat, if you call yourself that, because you are forgotten. The process of forgetting and age are the same thing. Death is forgetting. Life is remembering. The organs forget. They have memory. They use all the same chemical processes that the brain does to form memories, or some…
Self is the Dynamics
Everyone familiar with the concept of the zeitgeist? World-spirit. Just as all beings are their own I, and have their own desire, there is a communicated body of awareness, a desire held in common, a mutual urge to live and not only survive but evolve, to prosper and explore information more fully. This is also an…
Riddle of Lethe
I have to ask, why do you want to die? Because I can. Feel there is merit in it? Dying because you can? To die this moment, no… So I can be reincarnated. So I can continue to be independent and not become dependent or a burden on others. Sometimes, enough is enough. For most,…
Biological Age
Even biological age, right now, this moment in your body, is not a coherent or absolute thing. Different parts of your body will test as being different ages. Women’s breasts are a whole decade older than they are for example, so there isn’t even a single clock in the body regulating aging. How does that…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…