Variety of Species Throughout the Multiverse
Since this is going to become a series, is there a specific elemental kingdom you would like for our next elemental class? It looks like the elementals covered in some depth are; Therians, Fey, Goetic Beings, Angels (logos elementals)? Some of those would not classify as elementals, but you correctly identify angels. Therians, Fey and…
Domain of the Elementals
Perhaps another track of explanation. Shall we throw a bit of physics at this? Let’s go with the still predominant big bang. The singularity, before the moment of its explosive expansion, would have existed in a state of no time. No space equals no time. Infinite mass also equals infinite gravity. Well, at the moment…
Elementals, when necessary, also interact. They form groups very often called a chorus. It takes a chorus to stage something like a tornado, or a wild fire, or a volcanic eruption. They can even hear the voices of fire and earth in the earth itself. They call it black noise though it’s unintelligible only to…
Nuvo Elementals
Should we focus on a specific domain of elemental life? Are there hundreds of elemental species? Oh, more than hundreds. More species than are present on earth itself. Methane elementals, even some nuvo elementals. Nuvo? One example of a nuvo elemental, famous for the castle haunts in Europe, but they are more common than that. Blood…
Elemental Species
What do elementals look like if we were to see one and how do they spend their time? What does an elemental look like… They often look a bit like organisms, and arguably we acquired the ability to look like we do from the elements that make up our body. Why is it so absurd…
Factors Necessary for DNA
We often describe people like the elements, i.e. fiery etc. So perhaps we are also doing a form of elemental-morphism? Yes. Even from a more materialistic point of view our likings or affinities seem to have almost no basis in anything that mainstream thinkers would consider a rational fact. Would it be fair to say…
Cut the Knot
Space [female] is not always willing or available for Time’s [male] possibilities….or is she? It always is. That’s a human notion and not a natural notion. We don’t see the middle ground, the common ground, and we only fail to see it because we aren’t looking. You are looking everywhere but at the ground you…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…