Your Role as the Converter
How do life processes work? Ebb and flow. Conversion of energy. All information is energy. Can you have information without energy? No. So the universe communicates energy to you; light, air, food, water, and many other besides. You are the receiver and also the converter. The reason your role as the converter is vital is…
Vitality is Communication
To begin I have to ask a question. What is vitality? Energy? Youthfulness? An exuberance for living. Life force. Vibrant energy. I will offer another view today. Vitality is communication. Everything that we use to track time and growth arises from a process of communication. Is there life without expressed function? What’s expressed function? Breath.…
Between the two extremes is a natural world, an intuitive world, a world that shows up in our dreams where the meaning of someone’s feelings is paramount. If someone is emoting at you in your dreams, can you ever ignore it? No, I don’t think so. In this state, the world is a place where…
Icky Underbelly
What would happen if we came to relate to each other without the system? Without the ideas of how society is supposed to work? Without living behind a veil of abstractions and mechanism? It would be hard to interact without pre-assigned social constructs. There was a book written relatively recently, you may have heard of…
We Turned Our Backs on God
There is a theory that the central brain is where we got the idea of god, was our first experience of god, and it communicated through mild hallucination. The conscious brain had very little personality. It heard and it obeyed, and well, a good many positive things happened. A considerable number of negative things happened…
Math of the Central Brain
Want to know the math of the central brain? It really does use logic, I promise. A very complex utility oriented logic. Interested? The first function is to draw comparisons. It looks for any pattern of observation to be confirmed by repetition and outside sources. It’s better at fact checking than most scientists are these…
Repairing Connections
Ever act childish in your daily life? Sometimes. Yes. There is a conflict in your brain between your fore-brain, your conscious mind, and your central brain. They even call it “the brain of the brain.” The two brains, if you will, fight over a switching mechanism, but the central brain, which could also be called…
Conscious Perceptual Filter
Remember I said earlier the fact that a memory connection can be removed was the core of today’s talk? To begin to retrain our minds to function more fully in tune with our source, we have to first begin to deconstruct that habitual web of ideas that we paint our daily perceptions with. They tend…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…