Category: Communication

Action that triggers response is communication. The act of presentation or being present. We cannot avoid presentation. Our flesh and blood itself is communication made flesh. What happens when communication becomes garbled, incoherent or contradictory? Disease.

Humanity has plagued itself. Many schools of mysticism support this argument. The plague it afflicted itself with was the sense of disconnection from the world. We as a species excommunicated ourselves. It’s like everyone is a communicable disease because you communicate your presence to others and remain in their memory. If your communication is positive, you act like an inoculation, a sort of anti virus. We all know what the opposite is like.

What you describe yourself as is what the world will present itself to you as. People often say they don’t pray. You pray all the time and the world listens. In your heart of hearts you stay in constant touch with the world.

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Anthony Robbins (American advisor to leaders)

“If you wish to converse with me, define your terms” Voltaire (French Philosopher and Writer. 1694-1778)

  • Act Of Presentation

    Act Of Presentation

    We are talking about communication. I will ask, What is communication? An action that triggers a response? Transfer of ideas. Both definitions are correct. Body language too. Facts is one type. Action that triggers response is communication. Two or more intelligences transferring information? What are intelligences? Well, since all things have consciousness, I guess that’s…

  • Smart Technology

    Smart Technology

    We have “smart” technology in cars and appliances now. Indeed. Speaking of smart technology, most people would reject the literal definition of those items as being smart, but how are we smart beyond our ability to adapt and grow? From medicine to mental health, it’s still a hugely fuzzy area. What makes technology differ from…

  • We Present Ourselves

    We Present Ourselves

    You think normally that you experience events, but there is no such thing as an event. By definition, we use the word event to describe actions that occur in an almost mechanistic sense. Saying the word event is almost the same as saying the word coincidence yet both words are fundamentally meaningless. What exactly do…

  • Secret Of Longevity

    Secret Of Longevity

    Our attention is a shifting thing, highly mutable, but is our body any different, really? Our body is changing all the time. Some of those changes are so vital that our life depends on them. The renewal of our cell tissues is incredibly important, and it’s a radical change. But even the rhythm of our heart…

  • Language


    Did you know that the word coincidence means fitting perfectly? It originally did. Co-incidence = mutual happening. The term occult means hidden from sight. This is where we get the word occlusion, but the only party that has made anything hidden from sight is humans. Animals don’t do it. Animals will bathe themselves and mate…

  • Communicable Disease

    Communicable Disease

    On communication, it’s like everyone is a communicable disease because you communicate your presence to others and remain in their memory. If your communication is positive, you act like an inoculation, a sort of anti virus. We all know what the opposite is like. Maybe we really are viruses. There is a theory gaining support…

  • Your Own Grimoire

    Your Own Grimoire

    The secret to effect experience of communication is found in your self talk. People think they can hide their inner thoughts, but they constantly act them out. What you describe yourself as is what the world will present itself to you as. People say horrible things about God, but do those people say good things…

  • Vitality is Communication

    Vitality is Communication

    To begin I have to ask a question. What is vitality? Energy? Youthfulness? An exuberance for living. Life force. Vibrant energy. I will offer another view today. Vitality is communication. Everything that we use to track time and growth arises from a process of communication. Is there life without expressed function? What’s expressed function? Breath.…

  • Your Role as the Converter

    Your Role as the Converter

    How do life processes work? Ebb and flow. Conversion of energy. All information is energy. Can you have information without energy? No. So the universe communicates energy to you; light, air, food, water, and many other besides. You are the receiver and also the converter. The reason your role as the converter is vital is…

  • Life is Communicated

    Life is Communicated

    So, vitality is communication. What is communicated? Only one thing can be communicated. Anyone care to guess? Memory? Memory is kept and shared, but not by itself communicated. Space? Our state? Life is communicated. Life=spirit=soul. I do not agree with pantheism myself. As a matter of experience it denies much of the nature and meaning…

  • Out of Communication

    Out of Communication

    Perhaps we might better understand vitality by why we come to lack it. Without communication, what do we have? When you have felt yourself to be out of communication, what did you experience? Tired. It depends on whether or not I craved communication. Actually, it doesn’t depend on that. The reason I say this is…

  • Life is Cooperative

    Life is Cooperative

    Life is cooperative. When you become very tired and sick, what do you need most? Sleep and medicine? Rest from stress. Attention. We need help. Cooperation, communication. The baby gets their lunch because they just cry. They don’t have the foggiest notion of demands. It’s a naturalistic realization. They accept fully that they need, that…

  • Start Over

    Start Over

    Let’s use a little science here. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about a very strange medical case. I woman who had her amygdala removed which is the part responsible for processing emotions. It doesn’t govern vital functions directly though it can influence them and does so powerfully. What do you think happened?…

  • Just Play

    Just Play

    Have I succeeded in communicating here? If so has it drained you? If it has drained you I offer an alternative reason. Let’s explore this. As a child when you endured a hurt that made you cry, did it take anything away from you for very long? You had the hurt moment, then got bored,…

  • Getting Vitality Back

    Getting Vitality Back

    Typically, people decide they like you or they don’t like you, and very little will change their mind. So I find it useful to pay attention to those who have decided to be my enemy, because I have learned that people will do bad things to someone they don’t like. Honestly, I don’t think it’s…