Being Out of Place
That sense of dissonance, of being out of place, is important now more than ever. It can serve as a motivator for change. This system we now have, how is it ok? Why should it be allowed to exist without disturbance? Maybe those of us who are out of synch, owe it to the people…
Value of Being Spirited
In many schools of thinking being excited about life is frowned upon. It is seen as somehow irresponsible. It is supposedly better to become dead inside and tractable and to pursue only “sensible” things. What in life is sensible? What of our wants and need are rational? Take humour. What is practical about humour? But I…
Being Labeled
Symbolism and metaphors are too personal and individual to ever be understood by scientific processes, and they diagnose vivid ID imagery emerging to consciousness as psychosis. Then I was a psychotic infant, and why am I capable of coherent behaviour? Because my consciousness is different my health is different, because my health is different my…
Being Happy
Is happiness the indicator of success? Yes, when you are self fulfilled then you are successful. It’s more than most peoples understanding of happiness. When you are on your path, it just feels right. Everything feels right. Happiness is a state of mind? No, true happiness is a state of being. Contentment is another valid…
Human ‘Being’
Finding peace is a universal search and would seem simple right? Just don’t make drama, and don’t get involved in drama? This is how many people seem to think, and to my experience those notions are very far from the truth. We seek peace, and many think they can find it by “unplugging”, shutting down,…
Being Aware is Center
You can’t solve a problem in the same state of mind that made you aware of it. People don’t have a clue, and they look for help from people in the exact same boat. Boats always have two sides, and they float on water that rests on earth. There is always the earth underneath, even…
Happiness Being
We were all at one point happy. Literally all of us have been happy at least at one point in our lives. The reason being is that happiness is a natural state of being. It isn’t an emotion. It’s not a mood that comes and goes. Moodiness comes to replace happiness when we are taught…
Roles Are Not Being
The human brain has a function. It’s always ongoing and subconscious, and it’s often called reality testing. It checks input in the moment against repetitive patterns of input. Like scanning the environment while driving, if everything is going as you were taught driving should go, then you are calm and it’s all okay. In the…
Being With Change
Just learning to be ok with change can challenge some of us. This is true, it can be a challenge. But there is an old Arabic curse, “May your every wish be immediately fulfilled.” In all of your struggling to resist change, what if you said nothing can change? You just don’t like change, so…
We Belong In Being
You can internally think about ‘doing the right thing’ with every little thing that you do, or that happens. It’s exhausting. Exhausting and crippling. Who has succeeded by conscience alone? Anyone? And those who complain of never succeeding, are they people of weak conscience? What is conscience but learned values/ideals? Exactly, and is that judgment…
Way of Being
Destruction is sometimes the way to get the wall out of the way of a creative person, or destroy the philosophers principles so they can find better ones. The person whose calling is destruction, brings the gift of strength. The person whose calling is fundamentally creative, brings the gift of possibilities and hope, but avocation…
Respect of Being
You can see a political leader, or wealthy person, and not respect them when you see what is really there, even though convention in society is to respect this person. Is there virtue in being exhorted to extol an unhealthy parasitical relationship with authority? Extol/respect, venerate. People worship money and the money maker, and don’t…
Being True To Spirit
What would life be like if everyone had a job they loved from their spirit? It‘s really crazy that we live the majority of our life “putting in hours” to get money. And doing things that seen in the big picture we would not approve of another doing. Maybe in Second Life we find people…
Being Is Productive
Empathy. Awareness of feeling. I am open to feeling, so I don’t have to own another persons feeling. They can have what they feel and I can offer my presence. If the person is encumbered by their feelings, they can become free in the same way, by being open to what they feel and open…
Being Rooted
Why do we sand bag ourselves in with beliefs, worries, fears, philosophies? I prefer to leave my space open. I find these things in the world, and move through them. I find faith, and move through it. I find knowing, and move through it. They all relate in a very big and spacious world. Philosophy…
The Miracle Of Being In The Body by Sherry Woodcock
I am struck at times by the magnitude of being here. If I really try to grasp the perfection that our existence is born of, I feel like I will never doubt again. “Miracle” doesn’t seem a grand enough word to describe the gift of being, in this perfect body, with the ups and downs…
Being Fully Present
We all have our own reality shaped by our current and past experiences. My perception is as real to me as another’s is to them. This is true, but can you say you are fully engaged in your personal perception? If so, can you share what that is like? Wow. I do not think I…
Being Ourselves
I find nothing more interesting than sincerity, and I tend to ignore anything other than that, because sincerity requires no form of embellishment. I have a guest who reads something into everything I say. Suspecting you of deceit, they deceive themselves, and the shrewd person who won’t be tricked is always tricked. The person who…