Tag: magic

  • Mind and Magic

    Mind and Magic

    Psionics is approaching the world through the cognitive functions. The powers of the mind, and that ability to transcend without loosing the context of physical existence. In psionics you use and develop your personal energy in eastern mysticism called ki or chi, and see how channelling your personal energy can influence the world. Psionics is…

  • Witchcraft: A Natural Magic

    Witchcraft: A Natural Magic

    It’s actually quite interesting how very far from gone witchcraft is. It wasn’t really shamanism, and wasn’t driven by a tribal view of nature. The phrase old wives tales for example. It does not always refer to the lore of witchcraft. Women in particular, and to a lesser degree men, have been making intuitive observations…

  • Modern Magic

    Modern Magic

    I see Carl Jung as having been an excellent scientist, a definite peer to Einstein. Though their focuses were different, their understanding of the minds role in the world was the same. Basically, they were modern wizards, and they weren’t motivated by proving their faith in the materialistic world. They didn’t even have the motivation…

  • Rainbow of Magic

    Rainbow of Magic

    You have probably heard the terms “white magic” and “black magic.” What are your thoughts on that? Doesn’t the black and white model seem really off? The conventional notion is that white is good, and black is bad. It’s in all the fairy tales. Yes, this is in the modern telling. The older stories aren’t that…

  • Color of Magic

    Color of Magic

    All magic and any energy is basically a form of “light.” By connecting to a color, or a domain of function, you do take on more of that energy. It’s all vibration, energy waves.  Anyone have a color of magic they want to focus on? Yellow. Yellow magic is the magic of inquiry. The gift of…

  • Natural Magic

    Natural Magic

    The Druids tended to live outside of tribal holdings, and not in the walled villages. Bards tended to live in them, but move from one village to another, and Ovates tended to live in places of power, but not natural power per se. Druids lived near their sacred groves. In border spots like caves, Ovates…

  • Food Magic

    Food Magic

    Food magic is not unlike many other disciplines, and it can both be tied to healing magic and self transformation. “What you put in” is perhaps one of the core principles of all magic. But the term sorcery, literally means putting in and taking out. There is a lot to consider with that, and dark…

  • Ceremony of Magic

    Ceremony of Magic

    I won’t be addressing any one style of ceremony, but will speak to styles across the board. What is ritual magic? It is ceremony. It is performance like song or dance, but not like these things in the conventional sense. There are simple ritual practices that those of organized religion wouldn’t want to acknowledge are…

  • Ritual Magic Experience

    Ritual Magic Experience

    Anyone have experience with ritual magic? Care to share your experiences? Kawa ceremony. At heiau, at midnight to 3 am. Kawa is kava. Heiau are our temples. At those hours we follow a protocol so as to invite the spirits of aumakua to come. Chant, share kawa, silence, etc. and for some multiple presences are…

  • Word Magic

    Word Magic

    Bibliomancy is divination using books, or more specifically words. Some form of bibliomancy has existed for a long time, from runes to prophetic poetry. Is all about the power of words … i ka ‘olelo ke ola, i ka ‘olelo ka make. In the words the life, the health. In the words, the misery, the…

  • Personal Elemental Magic

    Personal Elemental Magic

    On a personal level, elemental magick is a great way to clarify problem solving. Every aspect of your reality falls into one or more elemental domains, as do various aspects of your health and personal growth or skill development. So to stick with the four element system for now, every sector of your life could,…

  • Interpersonal Elemental Magic

    Interpersonal Elemental Magic

    Elemental magick applies on all levels and to everything. Sorry if that sounds grandiose, but I am not trying to puff it up. It really is that extensive. On to the interpersonal level of elemental magick. People very often say “I just don’t know what to do with that person.” Well, honestly, it doesn’t take…

  • Magic In Second Life

    Magic In Second Life

    At the virtual world Second Life sim I role play in, so far now, three Hawaiians, two Native Americans, all practitioners healers in real life doing the same in Second Life. Something is seen in just what you say, and the role play in Second Life can be an awesome stage. Yes. Music has a…

  • Working With Familiars: Magic Mirror

    Working With Familiars: Magic Mirror

    All techniques to work with your familiar are ways of triggering right temporal lobe access. Now, from my earlier explanation, it sounded like the hemispheres mirror each other, yes? Well, they do in a very literal sense, so let’s start with the “Magic Mirror” technique. You get a mirror either of the old fashioned style…

  • Common Magic

    Common Magic

    It seems like magic is about changing things. That’s correct. And in Buddhist thought, one tries to learn to accept things the way they are. Is there a contradiction there? The way things are is changing, and accepting is the willingness to remain in the presence of change. Vajrayana Buddhism is all about a traditional…

  • Magic Song

    Magic Song

    How would a Bard cast a spell? They would compose a song. Having to have a clear form, they used specific rhythms, and they had rules about spoken as well as implied connections. Rhyme. The structure of a Bard song would rhyme the word describing an object with other words they meant to transform it…

  • Cousin of Magic

    Cousin of Magic

    We have all heard a great deal about magic as it’s a very popular topic these days, at least in some circles. Theurgy is a cousin of magic and there has been a love hate relationship between the two schools of thought and practice for a very long time. It comes down to this. They…

  • Magic Genie

    Magic Genie

    I guess the magic lamp is a Hollywood version of a jinn? There is some basis for the magic lamp in ancient lore, similar again to the spirit vessels in African practice. Jinn were legendarily thought to be mortal, but not material. Not having physical bodies, they could take many vessels. They were even considered…