Tag: purpose

  • Aggressions Purpose

    Aggressions Purpose

    The next emotion of failure is aggression. Yet aggression is even more villainized in peoples minds than frustration is, and ignores huge parts of how the human mind works. It’s seen as more dramatic than frustration, but it is just another part of what is a very natural aspect of how we function. Aggression doesn’t…

  • Life Purpose

    Life Purpose

    What is your nature? Some have said your nature is God. To use quantum theory, your nature is the observer. Have you noticed that sometimes when you’re really upset, you sort of unplug from the situation, and are just sort of an “observer”? People have noticed this even in “episodes” or near death experiences (NDEs).…

  • Be On Purpose

    Be On Purpose

    If your life seems repetitive, don’t sweat it. It’s just your soul trying to give you a message. If you are out of connection with your avocation, life will seem very stagnant. Fake. This applies to everyone, because for you it’s true. You aren’t in touch with your own reality, so how can you be…

  • Purpose of Cognition

    Purpose of Cognition

    What is the purpose of cognition? It’s properly subordinate to perception, and perception is structured well before even your basic individual gene sequencing happens. It‘s structured at a quantum level. At the range of the “PSI” factor, and I mean PSI factor in the original quantum mechanical sense. The tendency of any set of bodies…

  • Our Purpose

    Our Purpose

    The way of true love can be harsh. I think this is where we should go to further the discussion on purpose. The lover is the defender, the nurturer. One cannot love and leave be, nor can one love and objectify. To love is to be alive and embrace your connections naturally, rather than living…

  • You Are Purpose

    You Are Purpose

    Purpose is not role. Purpose cannot be exclusively defined by individuals, but must of necessity include the individual, and purpose for the most part is not well established by traditional views at all, with some exceptions. Your purpose is not defined by yourself exclusively, but it does include your thoughts and feelings, and purpose is…

  • Collective Purpose

    Collective Purpose

    It’s said there are only six degrees of separation between any two people. Even if this isn’t literally true, it raises a point. Reality is a vast web of relationships, but we don’t all relate to everything the same. We aren’t supposed to. It is not our purpose. Some things we are connected to in…

  • Dark Purpose

    Dark Purpose

    Dark purpose. Many people think that maybe they might have one. Most people are actually deluded. I will define it, but first the big picture. Most people (and most living things in general) have a life centered purpose, and this is best served if they can live together and in peace. Sharing between each other…

  • Purpose Is Home

    Purpose Is Home

    With purpose being in ourselves, why do people keep looking “beyond” for purpose? They aren’t looking beyond for purpose. They all, at least subconsciously, know this won’t work. They are looking beyond for permission. It’s better to make a mistake and correct it than ask permission. Let’s look at the “invisible” side of purpose, unspoken…

  • Living Purpose

    Living Purpose

    I will feel like I served my purpose if you, my friends, can share your own. You don’t have to have it down to a formula. If anything, you will have more of the truth if it isn’t a formula. Life doesn’t work by formulas. Words aren’t my purpose, but building is. Thank you. Words…

  • Purpose of Forgiveness

    Purpose of Forgiveness

    What is the purpose of forgiveness, friends? To let something go, not to continue to live it. I have an awkward history with forgiveness. I was not forgiven for not forgiving. It is releasing the hold that person’s words or actions had on you. I think letting go is a good meaning for me. And…

  • Caring: An Essential Element in Living a Life with Purpose by Kitty Holman

    Caring: An Essential Element in Living a Life with Purpose by Kitty Holman

    At some time or another, we all stop the wheels of the daily grind and think to ourselves, “Why do we work?” or “Why do we study?” or simply “Why do we do anything at all?” These sorts of questions have plagued our civilization for thousands of years, and they speak to the heart of…

  • Living with Purpose by Kitty Holman

    Living with Purpose by Kitty Holman

    Purpose. It’s one of those lofty words that are used in motivational conferences, commencement address speeches, and places of worship. It is supposed to make us feel big, feel like individuals that are more than just the sum of our banal daily experiences. But what does it mean, precisely, to have a purpose? Are words…

  • Purpose Of The Soul

    Purpose Of The Soul

    In a spiritual relationship, both partners surrender to a higher force, knowledge or God. Indeed. A man might try to get a wife like he might get a job, and he has a good chance of losing both. A woman may try to get love, like she might get a jug of milk, and discover…

  • Ritual for Deconstructive Purpose

    Ritual for Deconstructive Purpose

    Dark Metaphysics has been about the dark side of metaphysics and magickal practice. I mean to explore all the things that people find spooky about what might be happening in the magickal word and among magicians. Today, we are talking about twisted ritual. It is its own form of ritual because it specifically involves practices designed…

  • Purpose from the Inner Mind

    Purpose from the Inner Mind

    How can we have health? Can someone else give it to us? Doctors can treat us. They can help our health, but only our inner state actually results in health or disease. In fact, what works as a medical assist for one person may threaten another person’s life, but the personal state principle holds true…

  • Toward A Higher Purpose In Political Campaigns by Jason Miner

    Toward A Higher Purpose In Political Campaigns by Jason Miner

    A major journalist recently likened a spat between the presidential candidates as reminiscent of two kids fighting in the back seat. A political analyst suggested that campaign hardball is acceptable because cheap shots have been around since the inception of the Republic. Well, back then slavery was accepted and women couldn’t vote. The argument that…

  • Dying on Purpose

    Dying on Purpose

    I once had someone describe my personality and thought process as a work of art. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, maybe still doesn’t. Does it make sense to any of you? If so, how so? Well, it may appear different according to the observer. Everyone can have their own interpretations of…