Tag: world

  • Spirit World Shaped by Connections

    Spirit World Shaped by Connections

    Shall we discuss mechanism behind exorcism? As I made mention of earlier, the spirit world is shaped by connections, resonance or sympathy, like affects like, but likewise there is a broader cycle between all pairs, a principle of duality and even a seasonal rotation. If one has fallen into a bad lifestyle, one attracts beings…

  • Formless World

    Formless World

    To close the gap between masks and identity, there is another tool of the shaman called a fetish. Cultures the world over have used fetishes of one type or another, and I don’t mean a subject of obsessive thought. I mean an object that is believed to be possessed, not by the shaman but by…

  • Patterns in the World

    Patterns in the World

    For me, god is life. I have not experienced a single sovereign god. I experience multiple gods, though I don’t like the term god. It’s too hierarchical. e ulu e ulu, kini o ke akua. kini = innumerable number of “gods”. Only akua is not God. In the old usages; akua (best we can decipher…

  • Minor Arcana Model of the World

    Minor Arcana Model of the World

    I have a question for you, do we do anything not reflected in the tarot four minor arcana suits (Swords and Staves, Pentacles and Cups)? Each of these suits is reflected by aspects of the human mind, and all suits are reflected to perhaps different degrees in all people, perhaps at different times. The minor…

  • Shaman’s World View

    Shaman’s World View

    I will start by asking, what do you know about totems or shamanism in general? I know something about shamanism working with animals and nature, and journeying. Are totems representations of spirits? The physical artifacts are representations, yes. They serve as mental focuses when preparing to meet the spirit they depict, thus the reference to…

  • The World Will Show You

    The World Will Show You

    The world shows you how you relate to it if you reflect. This is why the reflecting pool is a good symbol. You may very well not see it while you are going about your ordinary day, thinking in the ordinary way, but when you calm your mind and settle like a still pool of…

  • We Can Shape the World

    We Can Shape the World

    In any exercise of power there is the potential for distraction. This is why they say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To date, humanity doesn’t deal well with having very many choices. They forget where their truth and their strength come from. They fall off the side of the cliff face because they…

  • World of Experience

    World of Experience

    Neuroscience has discovered some very interesting things. We structure our memory like it was physical spaces. This is why when you walk through a door, you often forget why you were entering that room. Your memory is your house. But what is the difference between sensation and memory? How can you tell the difference? Sensation…

  • Deal Actively with the Mental World

    Deal Actively with the Mental World

    Can you watch TV and listen to what someone says at the same time? Or cook and listen? Mix a drink and listen? Drive and listen? Depends on how much information you want. Well, yes, this is true, and this applies even to the psychic things I am talking about tonight. Just because you aren’t…

  • Spin to the World

    Spin to the World

    Let’s go into the written word, specifically things like the runes and talismans. They were written concepts, though in the case of some talismans, the concept was extremely abstract like a depiction of a star constellation for the system of meridians in the human body. We engage in what are called neologisms even today. The…

  • It’s a Hunted World

    It’s a Hunted World

    What is “real life” but a ghost story? Perhaps a holy ghost story? Do we write the ghost stories? Tradition is a ghost story. The future is a ghost story. What the other guy or other nation is doing is a ghost story. Can anyone name others? The horrible disaster that waits because I don’t…

  • The World is in You

    The World is in You

    How do we live to get in touch with the primal morality? Reverse thinking. Naturally, we would sense and feel and then create thoughts based on those experiences. We would put our sensory, and if you like social, contact first. Recognize that we have or can have a social or emotional bond with the world…

  • Examination of the Material World

    Examination of the Material World

    The topic of Metascience is not meant to be an anti-science rant. I personally am not against the study or practice of science. When science was still a branch of philosophy, it was undertaken to give humanity more insight into the world, more ability to understand and thus adapt to how nature works. There is…

  • Locked in Their Own World

    Locked in Their Own World

    My own medical / psychiatric diagnosis is the closest thing we currently understand to someone locked into their own world. Autism, if you look up the definition, is defined simply as self-absorption. I can tell you why I appear to others to have isolated myself like that. Remember I said earlier that the forces acting…

  • Mastering the World

    Mastering the World

    Those who cannot master themselves seek to master the world, but it does go deeper. Those who will not master themselves succeed in mastering the world. “And lose their soul”? No, not without falling from the path. For those who understand the role of the will in suffering, realize that their will is the same…

  • Connection to the World Behind the World

    Connection to the World Behind the World

    An important point of clarification… In Native American shamanism, their lore told not of many bear spirits, but of one single bear spirit. This tends to confuse modern thinkers, because they see animal behaviour and they do give evidence of being individuals, showing different learned behaviours and memories, temperaments and personal preferences. The shamans weren’t…

  • Changing World

    Changing World

    People are selfish. They only care about how you can benefit them. If they don’t see any value to them, then they will treat you poorly. This is human nature. This is inhuman discipline, but we can have a humane discipline, a genuinely human discipline. People don’t seem to really know their natures. There is a…

  • Influence the World Dream

    Influence the World Dream

    You say we don’t dictate the content of our dreams. I do feel as though it is possible to steer our personal dreams and allow them to take shape. My question is: How do we influence the world dream? You have the same ability of self will in dream as you do in the waking…