Tag: world

  • Symbiosis with the World Self

    Symbiosis with the World Self

    Now ready to get really “trippy”? Ever get the impression that your stomach was a machine? Well, it is and it isn’t. Its behaviour is automatic, and information about its state is constantly flooding into your brain, and all of its sensitivities make an impression in your brain as well. They show up as those…

  • Growing the World Self

    Growing the World Self

    Now things get even stranger. Everything that has occurred in any other form also occurs in your body. Echo location. It can be used. Thermal “vision” can also be awakened, magnetic sensitivity, all those little bits of genetic code we share with other species, these can be awakened. They are incomplete copies of the other…

  • What Makes the World Turn?

    What Makes the World Turn?

    How many of you here have attempted to work with the law of attraction? Physically, or socially? Either or both. I have worked with it. Socially, I guess. I suppose I have. How did that go? I found what works for me. I tried to test it, and it worked. Well, by putting energies into…

  • Become Reborn in the World

    Become Reborn in the World

    The ultimate proof of gold mysticism shows up in the work of the artist. Does the artist ever really make anything? They create by combining things and revealing things, so no. I will say no also, but for a different reason. Let’s take a painter, they have the paint, the brushes, their tools, the canvas.…

  • The World is Music

    The World is Music

    The world is music. From the rhythms of messages in our brain, to the patterns of sound and light that play out all around us, the world is structured in such a way that it resembles music. They even put the information pattern of the Higgs boson to music. Not only did it sound like…

  • Color the World

    Color the World

    So shall we explore another childhood notion? Coloring! Coloring. We want to be able to see out in our world what is in our head. This is why children often “use the wrong color.” It’s not the wrong color. They want to see that character with a green face, or the tree if it were…

  • World Dream

    World Dream

    How do we know we are alive? How do we know we are awake? Would you say there is a difference between feeling alive and feeling awake? For a moment consider that. Does being alive feel the same as being awake? It does, yes. So you don’t feel alive while dreaming? I feel a bit…

  • Mayan World View

    Mayan World View

    Were Mayans organized in city-states? They were organized into city states. Their city structures being temples. I kind of see the Aztecs like the Romans – war like conquering empire – and the Mayans like the Greeks – focused on learning. This is another way they were like the Greeks. In a sense yes, though…

  • World’s Biggest Monster

    World’s Biggest Monster

    Was Picasso “wrong” to put cows’ heads on women? Or was that Chagall? Some would swear emphatically that he was, would even accuse him of misogyny. I don’t think the cows forgave him, actually. Cows are very tolerant beings, excellent examples of ahimsa if not perfect examples. So let’s look at that just for a…

  • Colour Your Own View of the World

    Colour Your Own View of the World

    How do we use the elements our society gives us in a better way? Tolerate them. That would be a good start, yes, short of threat to life, limb, sustenance or sanity. Be open to different elements and changing elements. Treat them as suggestions? It would better serve to actively engage them. You can’t arbitrarily…

  • Many World Theory

    Many World Theory

    Shall we explore many world theory a little bit as it relates to the topic of Dragon Magick? On the literal level, the many worlds scenario arises because in order for one event to have been possible, the complimentary event also had to be possible. In order to have had the ability to take the…

  • Trust Your Relationship to the Projected World

    Trust Your Relationship to the Projected World

    I ponder “Getting himself ‘together.’” Dreaming is getting yourself together. Brain synching the neocortex with the rest of the brain arises from the brains habit of “checking” the self, making sure all your parts are still there. Since we can’t really tell truth from falsehood in an absolute sense, why not just accept everything as…

  • Betterment of Our World

    Betterment of Our World

    All of this doesn’t mean we aren’t meant to think or create things. We most certainly are meant to do both, and even seek to grow in our understanding and imaginings as well. But rather than create for “humans”… We have no actual idea what they want. Even our scientists are observing that. This is…

  • Knots in the World

    Knots in the World

    Knots show up in symbolism much more often than you might think such a simple image would. They even show up in our turns of speech, phrases, like I have a knot in my stomach, or this problem is all snarled up, or traffic is. Knots occur in the world around us and we observe…

  • Ourselves Projected onto the World

    Ourselves Projected onto the World

    So yes, we cannot control our behaviour, but we can control our perceptions. What does this mean really? Well, let’s look at perception. Our first and baseline perception is peace versus disturbance. Everything is ok, or something is wrong, and if something is wrong, then can we usually focus on anything else? Not too easily.…

  • Experience of a Living World

    Experience of a Living World

    Let’s take this to a more practical level. Why do you do anything for anyone else? Why does anyone do anything for you? Do they have to do anything? Do you? To be human and have a connection? To be human is to accept your inheritance, to accept the legacy of experience that was handed…

  • Information Rich Natural World

    Information Rich Natural World

    Any questions before I dive off the deep end? Not yet. So off I go. They have discovered they can engineer DNA in just about whatever way they want. They have even built a nanotech engine that has a single molecule for the turbine. Nature has been combining atoms for a very long time. Science…

  • The World as You Experience It

    The World as You Experience It

    As you go about your waking day, your mind is immersed in a constant sensory register, and your subconscious doesn’t distinguish between information it gets from your outwardly directed senses, and your internal sense of your physical and emotion well being and state of mind. While you go about your day, the world as you…