Your Body before Your Body
There has been recent research making a big stir because it did not resort to not standard protocols. It conformed to all accepted methods and applied all respected criteria, and it has found that people can anticipate future events. They have set up a priming protocol. Priming is the practice of showing you something subliminally.…
Each Part of Your Being
Today’s topic is a bit challenging, so I apologize in advance should I step on anyone’s toes. Such is not my intention. Today we are discussing the soul force. So much seems transitory in life, even in our experience of ourselves; our youth, our mood, our health. This is so much a rule of our existence…
Your Thoughts are a Space
Shall I go over the line a bit before we conclude? Would you say you find my talks fascinating? Yes. Do you know why you do? It’s different than how I think. Is it the same as any of the friends you know think? Nope. The same as anyone you like or admire thinks? Well,…
Reflexive Impact on People and Events
Another example: Can anyone think of someone they feel now that they hate? So many people. Real life teaches that we should not think about hate. We should not think that we hate others or that others may hate us, but try this with me with one person firmly in mind. Tap as deeply into…
Want to Change Your State?
When you are trying to express a certain feeling or idea, your mind with drudge up imagery that matches that feeling even if you aren’t doing it consciously. Yes, the implicate associations. That is what it believes. That is what it understands. I suppose you are expressing a state. Yes, and observations are states. We…
Blue Magick Feng Shui
Your body doesn’t know the difference between your brain and any other organ. Your brain is just the loudest organ so the others tend to get inhibited. Noise goes back down the neural line. Sometimes this triggers a useful and adaptive response, but often it doesn’t. The same process can help any other organ in…
System Healing with State Recall
So why do you think that you think? Why do you think that you are a person? That you exist? I have a body? Sensory input. You are aware of your sensory experience, and you are aware of your state, and you are aware of their integrity. There are mystical schools that place heavy emphasis…
You Are a Big Walking Ecosystem
I offer that you are what you can do and not only the narrow set of things that actually emerge. They are finding this to be true even in biology, and it’s even obscuring the model of Darwinian evolution. Bacteria has behaviours that are more complicated then can be demonstrated by any single cells. They…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…