The First Bullshit Detector
Perhaps an interesting related point on spiritual and psychic health. The left hemisphere of the brain cannot tell the difference between facts and convincing ideas. If an idea is logically cognisant, the left brain automatically believes it. This is why the root chakra seems to be so indiscriminating, and why many men revert to that…
Seat Of Species Memory
The root charka doesn’t learn. It just is. It’s the root of the natural, formative order of your being. The second chakra actually learns. It’s your very first center of learning, and it becomes aware in utero. This is why our parents psyches are so seemingly ingrained in our consciousness. It’s not explained by your…
Trusting Your Gut
Not only do we try to understand our consciousness out of context, but we actually insist on trying to see it backward and inside out. Does your mind make sense to you, friends? It often appears to be crazy. The world doesn’t make sense. Everything makes sense to me. I think if things made sense…
Action Awareness
On the level of your gut, you have the primal memory of every sensory experience you have ever had, without embellishment so without delusion. This is why the second chakra can’t be lied to. It doesn’t track ideas about what it senses from people and places. I’d like to be able to share with out…
Smart Enough To Be Stupid
Regarding second chakra issues, if anyone is impatient it’s women. They often get so caught up in how they feel about his behaviour, they don’t realize he is patiently and continuously trying to do right. He will remain consistent until you actually get fed up with him. What men actually need to have happen, to…
Take Time To Feel
If you want your feelings to make sense, you have to be honest about your desires. If you want your behaviours to make sense, you have to take the time to feel. I love being inside a church, but I don’t like hearing ministers very often. Church is best when it’s quiet. Sacred places are…
Lost In The Real
The topic is the cosmic pneuma. Weird sounding topic I know, but I will explain. Life consists of two aspects. The phenomena, or that which is evident to the senses, and the pneuma, or that which lends character, substance, behaviour, or animation, if you will. This facet of reality is all inclusive, but most deem…
World Of The Pneuma
I have always felt that God is an internal presence, so we are omniscient as far as God is. But then I ask myself, why can’t we all be Gods? Valid question, and one still unanswerable in that sense. Your consciousness is not your brain. It is not your body. It’s actually not your person…
Pneumatic Interface
Your pneuma merges with that of all other entities. It is omnipresent. Like the holy ghost of Christian philosophy? Somewhat. It has a great many parallels. This is why it is acceptable to explain it as universal chi. Like the collective unconsciousness? That collective unconscious is one facet of the pneuma, but it’s not species…
Living Meaning
All energy falls into the baseline field. The zero-point energy field which is a constant non-degrading carrier wave. What my statement means is that there is no such thing as a “you” event. All events are universal events, or a world event, and there is no such thing as a human event. Your heart beat…
Relationship to Pneuma
Our relationship to pneuma comes down to time. Time as an object doesn’t exist. Time is a dialogue and exchange. Like coming into the online world of Second Life, the server says things to your computer and your computer says things back to the server. From most peoples point of view, the time channel seems…
Culture The Energy
There are consequences for the influence of our focus, and humans are not graceful viewers. They are not the only ones watching either. Our planet is a huge viewer (much like we come into Second Life with viewer software), and the definitions that are part of the world viewers nature are beginning to get buggy,…
Powerful Awareness
This is the third in a series of psychic health classes. We are talking about the solar plexus chakra, and how it affects consciousness and our lives. Tantien/piko? It is one of the Hawaii “chakra”. Yes, exactly that. It does correspond to the belly button. The sacral chakra is below that. As we spoke of…
Choice Center
I find panic comes when I can’t decide which one to follow within me, heart or gut. That’s the problem for everyone. This is why the third chakra is so often out of balance, and really this happens because people see the conflict. So they create the conflict in their thought, model it very clearly,…
Choice And Free Will
What is it to make a choice when all choices are dictated by the spirit of the world? Harmony or disharmony. Playing an instrument well or poorly comes to mind. And that is part of the choice making process, yes. Choice and free will are acoustics. You can sing of your free will, and the…
Inner Dancer
You do nothing without the third chakra. So if you need to do new things, remember to catch your breath. This resets the chakra. It doesn’t have memory, that’s lower in the gut. It has reactivity. It’s a membrane that changes as pressure from the gut and heart meet at it, and operates as a…
At The Heart
You can’t really understand the third chakra without understanding the troubles of the heart. The heart is a grand temple. It’s the seat of the subconscious taken to a transcendent level. At the level of the heart, you have a feeling of the expanse. At the heart, you have the awareness of heaven or the…
Choice Making
People in relationships… Half are in the heart camp of everything is wonderful. Half are in the gut camp of just the facts. Very few are balanced in a relationship, especially a new one. Very true. There are a few who make it to very mature relationships who are balanced. The balance is the secret…