Feel for Yourself First
Does it matter whether more choices are made by the head or the heart? Is one more satisfying? Ultimately, they should be allies, but if they aren’t in harmony, the choices of the heart matter more. They are truer to life and reality, but only the open heart shows wisdom. Feel for that flower you…
The First Sound
Personality is the first sound of your first word spoken. It’s the first note of your personal song. If you start out in c sharp, then go to d flat, you influence how every sound coming after that affects you. Set a 2/4 time and notes that carry for a three beat count sound differently…
First Taught
I have to ask. What is dignity? Your personal level of respect? Knowing your values and what you will accept or not and how you treat others. Expectations. Conducting oneself with good values and respect for self and others. Composure, poise. An expectation we have of ourselves for “proper” behaviour, and that can vary between…
First Matter
There is a lot of religious symbolism that came to be admixed with alchemical lore as was perhaps inevitable. Much of Christian Gnosticism is heavy with alchemical symbolism, and with that connection, we move on to the philosopher’s stone itself. It could be created in two forms, a white stone and a red. The white…
First Judges
As followers of the Druids grew in their understanding, they developed special insights into the world and reality in general. Where in the tradition of India, the disciple might manifest one of the siddhis or powers, those gifts that come from deepening intuition and spiritual growth, the students of the Druids would do so likewise,…
First Confront the Self
The reason one attempts to identify their path in yoga, is not because they need to classify themselves. That motive itself would be a serious stumbling block. To not move with knowledge is to lack real understanding. I like the idea of taking a stand with the knowing that you can move on from it.…
First Controller
Ok, another bit of science. They have discovered “you are who you date”, meaning you tend to subconsciously adopt the character quirks and faults of a beloved partner not recognizing where you got them from. That’s just the most easily understood example though. Anyone you have rapport with, feel a natural sense of kinship with,…
Body and Emotions First
Shall we do another situation? Let’s discuss will. People use will like they use thinking, and it is really the thing that makes thinking seem to work, sometimes. Do any of your decisions based on your thinking not require you to exert force of will? Yes, true. An insistence to get something done. Can you…
First Rule We Function With
You aren’t conscious of your perceptual habits, and are only semi-conscious of your habits of attention. You are fully conscious of your habits of judgement, your mental faculties, your grasp of language, your deliberately learned skills, your memory of social exchanges, things like that. Is instinct a combination of perception and attention? That’s exactly what…
Love First
The force of thought is like fire, where love is like water. Love is receptive, adapts. Fire is consuming, breaks things down and changes everything it touches. An appropriate metaphor? How does anyone control a fire? Either douse it or let it burn out. Control of the fuel. You have it, but yes, most people think…
Life First
I’ve read stories of British explorers back in the 1800s. They would ignore the local ways as barbaric and try to use their own technology in the foreign land. It was insane and disastrous. It’s amazing how blind we can be. Yes, degenerating to behaviour much worse than the local cultures even fantasize about. The…
First Dreams
Today, we are talking about dreams. Not so much as experiences we have, as a process that is ongoing throughout our lives. A message from the world to our deepest selves, even if the signal is perhaps often too full of noise to be very clear. Your first period of sleeping consciousness occurred in the…
First Spark of Consciousness
We have two basic domains of dream, what we might consider peaceful or sweet dreams, and disturbing dreams or nightmares, and each of them are as ingrained as our own DNA. They form the fundamental basis of our consciousness. How we dream affects how the fetus develops. It can develop snoring, low birth weight, attention…
First Promise to Ourselves
You don’t have one word, you have two. Most people wind up “speaking with a forked tongue.” Animals detect this, very young children detect this, autistic individuals detect this. Yes, when I was young I found so many adults to be off-putting. For all the sophistication and control, for all the speed and clarity exhibited…
First Model of Network Cosmology
Maybe I need to get “out there” first before I can bring it down to the concrete level. Network cosmology. The world tree is humanities “first” model of network cosmology. The central trunk would represent the common axis of time. The branches and roots would represent two different but connected planes of space traditionally referred…
Jedi Code: First and Second Precepts
The first principle being… There is no emotion, there is peace. Emotion confines us to our restricted personal sensitivities, our compulsive habits. If we embrace the notion of the Force, and what it might have to offer us in understanding the world, we would come to see that at any given time everything and everyone…
First and Last Rule
The default reality is not what Bohm called the explicate reality, it’s the implicate. The strange behaviour of quantum phenomenon is not the big mystery, certainly not a fringe phenomenon. Our concept of matter and particle physics is the fringe or shoddy thinking. Decisions. They are not what they seem to be. Humanity romanticizes a…