Tag: state

  • Brain and Mind State

    Brain and Mind State

    It has been established that the brain hormones respond to neural or sensory stimuli. They are not separate from mind state. It has also been proven that the brain cannot tell the difference between the real and the vividly imagined. Your imagination moves your feelings. You imagine a fear, and you do react to it.…

  • Centered State

    Centered State

    Centering is one of those practices that’s so simple it’s complicated. Even when we are physically relaxed we are often not at all centered. If we’re relaxing watching TV say, it’s so kinetic that we just stay off center. We get conditioned to just ignore center and are often even afraid of it. We don’t recognize it…

  • Between State

    Between State

    Stuck in the physical…. You don’t know how good you have it. You can be stuck between, now that sucks. You can’t fully engage anything so it forces you to improvise. Stuck between alive and dead? That is a coma? Yes, and no. Coma is closer to dead, just on the threshold of free. I…

  • State of Knowing

    State of Knowing

    I am talking about a respect that stems only from awareness, and empowers choice rather than making you feel you must do only one thing. Awareness means knowing? Yes. A knowing from being and respecting being of others. Being is not out of order, but we are taught to think, and we are taught thoughts…

  • Shadow State

    Shadow State

    I’ve never heard of the state of “shadow person.” Shadow person is what humans call it. It was at one point believed that all of the dead went on to live in the shadow state. This was maybe even true at one point, but the psychic atmosphere of our world has changed and is changing. It’s…

  • Our Natural State

    Our Natural State

    Every tension you have in your body, every idea you have about your body, is directly linked not only to other people, but to life and the world itself. You will judge food according to your tensions. You will judge choices the same way, as well as people. With the strain and pain of tension,…

  • Habit State Of Mind

    Habit State Of Mind

    Habit is a very subtle phenomenon, so I will use my experience for a contrast. The body mind of a normal human being prefers minimal energy expenditure for a set reward. It doesn’t like to do more than it has to to meet any of its needs, and the normal body mind has its sense…

  • Manage Your Psychic State

    Manage Your Psychic State

    How dangerous it is to open portals/doors? I have eight manifesting in my dreams and my guide wants me to open them. Not dangerous. Your mind is a part of an infrastructure. Beyond those doors is the broader psychic realm. The equivalent is the streets of the huge city of the mind. You must have…

  • Impermanence Of Our State

    Impermanence Of Our State

    I read a book that had creatures in it devouring negative energy left by traumatic events, like at old battlefields. Oh, that actually exists. Some normal animals even have that mark in their evolution. Mushrooms being a big one and a great many insects. Is that why mushrooms are associated with fairies? It is as…

  • Twilight State

    Twilight State

    Does the pineal gland have to do with the dream state? It does, yes, as it has a great deal to do with the inner cycle of the nervous system, and is influenced by external light stimulation as well. It has a nerve center around it that is structured much like the eye. What are…

  • Underworld State

    Underworld State

    One enters the underworld state, at least to a shallow level, whenever the lower centers of awareness are activated. (I use the term lower not to mean lesser but rather foundational, primary.) When we are swept up in the passions to an all consuming degree, then we often begin to see artefacts of perception that…

  • Electrical Change With State Of Mind

    Electrical Change With State Of Mind

    I see those ion bracelets being sold. Do they have an effect on ions or is it just a novelty? They do have an effect on ions, though there is controversy as to the degree or possible health benefit. They are supposed to restore well being. I will say from experience the effect is positive…

  • Ghostly State

    Ghostly State

    No state of being is off limits. With sufficient intention, one can exist in the ghost state virtually indefinitely. The passage of time is largely irrelevant, but the state of mind that we typically associate with the lost and confused ghost doesn’t often persist for very long. Eventually, they become accustomed to their struggle. Their…

  • Mood State as a Guide

    Mood State as a Guide

    On healing… With awareness of your mood and what it means, you can develop a touch as they say, a sense for how you are contacting people and the world around you, and even trace the source of any distressing feeling as originating from your own thought, or extending from your environment. Then use that…

  • Shadowy State Between Living and Spirit

    Shadowy State Between Living and Spirit

    The undead state has two boundaries rather than just one. It’s a shadowy state between the living world and the spirit world proper, sort of like walking in one of those old monastic cloisters. In fact, this is part of why old monasteries tend to stay haunted for so long. It’s a comparable state of…

  • State of Society

    State of Society

    Human behaviors we consider evil come from a learned sense of perversion of natural desires and drives. There is no upside to frustration for its own sake. It doesn’t make us wiser, and instead will in time make us less sane. Ergo, sociopaths among us. Yes, as they have come to believe that is the…

  • What if Kindness is a State of Being?

    What if Kindness is a State of Being?

    So can we really define kindness as a resource? I feel awkward requesting kindness too. Why do we feel that? Like we don’t want charity. We feel awkward requesting kindness, because we know that anything other than kindness is a sign of disease, unease, imbalance. It’s implicitly wrong. Good deeds done to you can lack kindness…

  • State of Being in Love

    State of Being in Love

    How do we know what love is? Do we know it just by saying it? A feeling? Can you describe the feeling clearly? I think we know the feeling before we can really understand it and not be afraid of it. I can’t and I think that’s why poetry gets so elaborate. People struggle with…