Tag: yourself

  • See Yourself

    See Yourself

    There is no them, and since there is no them why not get a better image of us? Why even think over long on the idea of there being no them? There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who think there are two kinds of people, and those who don’t. There is a…

  • Parts of Yourself

    Parts of Yourself

    To overcome, some require some rather dramatic stuff. Familiar at all with any of the mystery cults? They are called cults only because some insights could only be shared when the disciple was ready. Like the elusian mysteries, notice the psychodrama? They called them morality plays later. It is very similar to shamanic dancing and…

  • Know Yourself

    Know Yourself

    It’s quite popular to doubt, to distrust people. Supposedly you are being shrewd and intelligent if you trust no one. Anyone know any paranoiacs who are genuinely wise? Fearful geniuses? Anyone changing the world by running away from it or doubting themselves? And yet, it’s cool to subscribe to trust no one right now. Even…

  • True To Yourself

    True To Yourself

    Onto what’s right about regret. You can be aware of inequities in your intentions, and actions, and consequences. This deduction is actually very useful and a source for self informed and self directed decision making, but does “future regret” have the negative emotional load? The emotion is how your body mind gives you feedback on…

  • Allow Yourself

    Allow Yourself

    Who are the most reasonable people? Are unreasonable people prone to boredom? Those who allow themselves everything? If they allow themselves everything, will they be seen as reasonable by others? No. Though they will be to you, if you’re asking something of them for yourself. But people stop short. If you are going to allow…

  • Create From Yourself

    Create From Yourself

    How do I become more creative? You create not out of the world. You can’t create with situations. You can’t create with objects or even other people. You create from yourself. Imagine an amoeba, if you will. It has a fixed amount of mass and shares its energy with its environment, but when it wants…

  • Feel for Yourself First

    Feel for Yourself First

    Does it matter whether more choices are made by the head or the heart? Is one more satisfying? Ultimately, they should be allies, but if they aren’t in harmony, the choices of the heart matter more. They are truer to life and reality, but only the open heart shows wisdom. Feel for that flower you…

  • Effect Change by Changing Yourself

    Effect Change by Changing Yourself

    In the structure and wisdom of the Book of Changes, no state is seen as impossible for anyone to experience. Peasants can become kings, rich men become beggars, mountains be leveled, etc. So in using the I Ching to explore your life, it doesn’t lock you into any specific course. You can effect change in…

  • Finding yourself in College by Patricia Garza

    Finding yourself in College by Patricia Garza

    If there’s one cliché that I hate most out of all clichés I hear about college students, it’s “finding yourself.” It’s typically used in conjunction with backpacking trips to different places, most commonly Europe or Tibet or Nepal. What I dislike most about the “finding yourself” trope is not that the idea itself is disingenuous,…

  • Missing Part of Yourself

    Missing Part of Yourself

    It’s always been suspected that anyone who practices anything of the “dark arts” is in danger of losing their soul or spirit. So this is what I intend to talk on as this is the dark metaphysics class. First, we will explore the issue of what it would mean to lose some portion of your…

  • Clarify Yourself

    Clarify Yourself

    To fully elaborate on the course of action regarding the service to personal integrity, it’s not enough to render your personal memory inviolate if all you do is betray yourself and others as well. You must lay claim to what is both your responsibility and your privilege, the channels of communication in the array that…

  • Be Yourself More Clearly

    Be Yourself More Clearly

    Anyone want to share a bit about their own discipline? I try not to be too influenced by what others think while following my inner guidance. Well, I see a problem with just trying to walk your own path. Even the science behind the brain says that we naturally tune in to each other, tune…

  • Jumping Over Yourself

    Jumping Over Yourself

    So I will ask, has any effort to make something happen worked the way you wanted it to? Emphasis on make, force. By force of will did you ever succeed exactly as you intended to? When I’ve tried to force, it backfires. There is not just one layer of sympathetic connections. There are many. The…

  • How You Feel About Yourself

    How You Feel About Yourself

    What is self-esteem? Feeling good about yourself. Belief in oneself. Other thoughts? How we regard our self. Is it a popular idea for most people? In my experience, people tend to disdain the notion to one degree or another. What about you? People like to be humble. Or at least claim it. So no matter how…

  • Defining Yourself

    Defining Yourself

    There is a difference between our experience of any event and our awareness of ourselves as individuals, a space between what we perceive to be happening and what we perceive it to mean. But as we go about our daily lives, we can become so well rehearsed in our experiences that we stop really seeing…

  • Okay to Trust Yourself

    Okay to Trust Yourself

    Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. Benjamin Spock What I’m Hanging Hope On Today: Every day is full of experience. Even the most stubbornly ignorant individual can’t get through the day without having picked up at least a little new information. They don’t recognize this because they don’t consciously think about…

  • Valuing Yourself

    Valuing Yourself

    Are you your name? Many people have traditionally and even in the contemporary era reacted quite defensively over affronts to their “name.” To the Wari people of Brazil, you are not a single identity but a set of identities, all valid, each depending on where you currently are. If you are with your grandmothers family,…

  • Do You Know Yourself?

    Do You Know Yourself?

    I don’t mean for today to be an introductory talk on meditation. I have already done that work before. I hope to get to the essence of the meditative practice and experience. Is everyone already familiar with meditation in one form or another? When you hear people talking about meditation, the conversation often winds up…