Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Stop Being Thought

    Stop Being Thought

    Orange magic helps us if we don’t think too much? Actually, it helps us to really think, and stop being thought. Putting action first enhances thinking? It does, and recognizing thought as action. Ever notice when you vividly imagine doing something, while you’re imagining it your coordination gets worse? Yes. Body and brain get disconnected.…

  • Owning Your Thoughts

    Owning Your Thoughts

    Shall we discuss thought as it’s seen in orange magick? Owning your thoughts? What do you do when a mosquito bites you? Scratch. Swat it…splat. Worry about malaria. What do you do when a mental mosquito bites you? I try to avoid it at times. You try to avoid thinking? People don’t maneuver in that…

  • Symbiosis with the World Self

    Symbiosis with the World Self

    Now ready to get really “trippy”? Ever get the impression that your stomach was a machine? Well, it is and it isn’t. Its behaviour is automatic, and information about its state is constantly flooding into your brain, and all of its sensitivities make an impression in your brain as well. They show up as those…

  • Growing the World Self

    Growing the World Self

    Now things get even stranger. Everything that has occurred in any other form also occurs in your body. Echo location. It can be used. Thermal “vision” can also be awakened, magnetic sensitivity, all those little bits of genetic code we share with other species, these can be awakened. They are incomplete copies of the other…

  • Using Orange Magick

    Using Orange Magick

    An example of how to use orange magick before we conclude. Can you think of any place or condition that people find universally calming? Sunlit field. Flowing water… river. Cool breeze. Beach. Fluffy clouds. Water. You can feel the waters flow inside you when you are near it. It can even make you dizzy. Ever experience…

  • Way of the Warrior

    Way of the Warrior

    We are talking about the Tyr rune, the sign of the warrior. For those who have been to my earlier rune classes, I will say that as obvious as this may sound, it can still be of help to have a symbol to remind you of the warrior spirit. Each rune is a force in the…

  • Rune of Force

    Rune of Force

    The Tyr rune is the rune of force, but people do not understand force. They use it unwisely. They try to force everything, by force accomplish everything, and just as in war this is always unfortunate. There is always loss. To use force wisely you must understand its way, see fullness of force and emptiness.…

  • Iron Fist in the Silk Glove

    Iron Fist in the Silk Glove

    I can bring it more down to earth. The Tyr rune is a sword. We all have this spiritual sword within us, and we all use it. We don’t all use it well, but we do all use it. The angry person uses his sword impulsively, hits everything, enemy and ally, and is weakened when…

  • What do You Fight For?

    What do You Fight For?

    If you are willing, may I ask you all, how do you use your sword? How do you direct your force? My “failing” is assuming that everyone is “OK” when actually, some of them are dealing with everyone else as NOT “OK.” You know why you make that assumption? You do have a reason. I’m…

  • Understand Force to Preserve Peace

    Understand Force to Preserve Peace

    So any questions about the warrior way? The key behind it all, the essence, is simple. Have you heard of the sword of Damocles? Swords cut both ways. How and what they cut can only be controlled with awareness, vigilance. The sword seen one way is an instrument of taking life, seen another it’s the…

  • What Makes the World Turn?

    What Makes the World Turn?

    How many of you here have attempted to work with the law of attraction? Physically, or socially? Either or both. I have worked with it. Socially, I guess. I suppose I have. How did that go? I found what works for me. I tried to test it, and it worked. Well, by putting energies into…

  • Evolvers and Devolvers

    Evolvers and Devolvers

    The world operates with many different processes all at once. One set of processes being what ancient philosophers referred to as a law of sympathy, like attracts like, like effects like. But does reality show any real evidence of being dualistic? Is light really separate from dark, winter from summer? No. It’s more like a…

  • Jumping Over Yourself

    Jumping Over Yourself

    So I will ask, has any effort to make something happen worked the way you wanted it to? Emphasis on make, force. By force of will did you ever succeed exactly as you intended to? When I’ve tried to force, it backfires. There is not just one layer of sympathetic connections. There are many. The…

  • Create a Problem

    Create a Problem

    Law of attraction is creating space where things can come in? And law of negative attraction is building energy in what you already have to attract what you want? Actually, the law of negative attraction is creating space. You create a problem to create the desired outcome. You create a problem by looking at the…

  • Special Memory

    Special Memory

    Tonight, we are doing another in the applied theurgy series, specifically on the god Shiva/Rudra. But first, what would you call an influence that spans individual beings awareness, influencing them all? Transcendent? Meme or archetype, I guess, are technical terms. We have many of those in the realm of human experience, and often they seem to…

  • Dance of Shiva

    Dance of Shiva

    Shiva is a very mysterious deity like many if not all of the Hindu deities. Shiva seems to behave more on the cosmic level in a universal context than anything else. We often don’t get a chance to see all the politicking, so don’t as citizens really know how competent he might be. “Cosmic” as…

  • Originators of Your Flesh and Blood

    Originators of Your Flesh and Blood

    Accepting the gods from one point of view is just accepting reality. Following the gods is learning their ways and habits. Is there any way you can get to know someone better than by living with them? Sometimes you only learn what someone can share with you by simply accepting them in your life and…

  • Practice the Memory of the God

    Practice the Memory of the God

    I may get a little Gnani here, non-devotional. From one point of view the purpose of ritual is to honor the gods, and I won’t deny that. People tend to get caught up in what might please the gods. I guess because we like to make people we care about feel good, happy. But as…