Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Reality is Porous

    Reality is Porous

    The Perth rune depicts that reality is not a closed system? With the open edge? Indeed. The thing kept secret seems secret because we at first think it isn’t there, or that it was lost, as if we had the truth of life all along but then discover we have a hole in the pocket…

  • Be Aware of the Immanent Reality

    Be Aware of the Immanent Reality

    The ‘what if’ is always lurking somewhere. The ‘what if’ is actually perceptible, predictable, non-mechanical though. This time your car may start, but at some point in the future your car will fail to start, and it always happens in such a way that it makes total sense. Doesn’t this seem a bit mysterious? Reality…

  • Walk the Stairs

    Walk the Stairs

    What use is it to stand on a single step? Is it to stand on a single step? Screw in a light bulb? Reach something on a shelf? Only if you had that intention in mind before hand, and notice none of this has anything to do specifically with the act of stepping onto that…

  • Trust Your Feet

    Trust Your Feet

    The course of events isn’t “coincidental.” Everything is happening, has happened, and will happen against the same backdrop of persistent reality it always has no matter how much we try take it apart and declare one system as being separate from another. Your stairs climb your tower. My stairs climb mine. Our stairs exist in…

  • Drop the Red Tide Wave

    Drop the Red Tide Wave

    Perhaps the clearest example of the process I am trying to describe… We all are familiar with our social trance, yes? The role we are used to playing and the behavior that has become habit? Ever have a moment where your ability to ride that wave snapped? You just couldn’t keep balanced with it? Did…

  • The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Tonight is another installment of our applied theurgy classes, specifically dealing with Sutekh also known as Set. To understand Set best for this purpose, you would need to consider him from the point of view of the teachings of heka. Heka is the Egyptian word for magick. In Egyptian metaphysics, everything that exists shares in…

  • Set’s Relationships

    Set’s Relationships

    As Egypt came to interact with surrounding cultures, they became more and more xenophobic. That coupled with the adoption of Set by foreign powers that for a time ruled a part of Egypt, Set would come to be demonized rather than being a god of exploration, trade and progress. Originally, if it weren’t for the…

  • Path of Set

    Path of Set

    If one chose to follow the path of Set, this would involve progressive thinking, open social interaction, avoidance of partisan politics, and strong individualism. Another thing about Set that threw many Egyptians off, and may have added to his “evil” image, was that most of their gods seemed to live in close relationship with each…

  • Protector of the Sun

    Protector of the Sun

    What is the meaning of being the guide of the sun through the underworld? Every force in the order of the natural world was thought to exist for a purpose whether human beings were comfortable with it or not. The fierce heat and winds and sandstorms that darkened the sky were thought to serve the…

  • Broader Context

    Broader Context

    The world you see and take for granted as real is imaginary. Your eye cannot provide a whole or consistent picture of the world around you, so your brain fills in the blanks, makes assumptions, which is good enough for most purposes. In the entire domain of potential sensory experience, human beings only tap into…

  • Many World Theory

    Many World Theory

    Shall we explore many world theory a little bit as it relates to the topic of Dragon Magick? On the literal level, the many worlds scenario arises because in order for one event to have been possible, the complimentary event also had to be possible. In order to have had the ability to take the…

  • Uplift Humanity

    Uplift Humanity

    Now that astral atmosphere I mentioned earlier, it’s shared by every world in terran time/space. Consciousness emerges in all worlds, and existed before all worlds. That “space” of conscious energy is what causes universes to emerge. “Dragons” live on earth. Our time space has holes in it, and for a time they lived closer to…

  • Dragon Paths

    Dragon Paths

    The rituals of Taoist sorcery involve walking the “dragon paths” which mirror constellations in the sky. These dances, for lack of a better term, serve to unlock the inherited wisdom of the dragon emperors, the prehistoric “yellow” emperor having been one of them. A great many people are descended from those lines, even those who…

  • Dragon Presence

    Dragon Presence

    We aren’t confined to the hand-me down debased vestiges of dragon magick. Recall I said that all earths share the same astral space? And if you accept that matter can be conscious in this state that we know, and that matter has other states which even our physics is discovering is more and more broadly…

  • The Way to Contact Dragons

    The Way to Contact Dragons

    So the way to contact dragons? We all have a species memory of dragons, and although our art is really sort of crude, even just the suggestion of that memory can send out a ping, an echo of memory that resonates with a dragon’s current consciousness. Could the memory be in our DNA? It is,…

  • Before the Age of Reason

    Before the Age of Reason

    According to strictly scientific thinking, causality is at most a useful fiction. No matter the event, there is only the possibility that it will happen. Some things are highly probable, but nothing can be predicted with absolute certainty, which in a way compromises the strictly materialist view they hold, and yet we perceive causality to…

  • Everything Relevant Begins in our Minds

    Everything Relevant Begins in our Minds

    Events that occur together arise out of the same substrate or medium that allows anything to occur in a given time and place at all, and the same process, by which we become aware of an event, has its parallel in how the event happened in the first place. The sun rose this morning for…

  • Probably There

    Probably There

    Let’s consider the apparent order of any given situation. Anyone care to pick one to serve as an example? You mentioned earlier about the sun rising and our observation of that. That works. The sun rises every day. As far as most people are concerned that is adequate to understand the passage of a day.…