Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Identify Your Familiar

    Identify Your Familiar

    If you want to avoid confusion, identifying your familiar is helpful. If your familiar is a Kami, they tend to be sort of organized so they are good at networking. If your familiar is a Fairy, they are more free spirited, attuned to the raw pulse of life, and understand the primal desire in life. Kami…

  • Law of Sympathy with Familiar Spirits

    Law of Sympathy with Familiar Spirits

    We can perhaps call a familiar spirit if none have noticed us, and we can also select as well? One might not have the qualities I’m looking for. Yes, actually. If you want to connect more with say a primal force, you can open yourself to storm spirits. The progression of a familiar bond is…

  • What is Unreal?

    What is Unreal?

    What is unreal? Perceived reality. I’d say nothing, but there is a point where your own personal reality buckles because so much ‘other’ is introduced at once, and it becomes a little ‘unreal’ as things bleed into each other. Nothing and everything. Perception of what is outside of me. What you choose not to accept.…

  • Parallel Realities

    Parallel Realities

    Science is in love with nice clean particle theory, and it makes assertions that even it can’t substantiate. One of which is that the world is mostly empty space with little bits of matter floating about ordered in some mysterious way.  One thing that throws a hitch in the idea of empty space is this whole…

  • Deja Vu

    Deja Vu

    Deja vu means “seen again”. It’s when you have the experience that you have seen something before that your brain knows it hasn’t. The temporal sequence of things isn’t neat. The fabric of time space is like worm eaten wood. When another “road not taken” would lead to an event earlier, that you actualize later,…

  • World in Balance

    World in Balance

    There is a thought that bad things happen to good people. How can you explain that? Bad things happen to good people, because the concept of good and bad (i.e. justice) is a human notion. This living world is no respecter of persons, and so much of what is “bad” is just seen as bad. If…

  • Translate Energy

    Translate Energy

    When a Shaman is working with a spirit body, they will perceive objects and body shape that people would deny is real. They in their denial are actually mistaken, and this is why touch therapy is now a “legitimate” treatment. Even if they still don’t really know why it works, how we translate that energy…

  • Fissure in Time

    Fissure in Time

    The world is not over yet, but it is coming to an end? The world ends right now. Right now I see things differently, even now, just ended again, changed my mind, there my world ended again. Are you looking now? Whole new world. Each persons mind is a world, we either explore it or hide…

  • Astral Logistics

    Astral Logistics

    Astral logistics is basically manifestation, but bigger. Logistics is the practice of managing energy and resources, and when it seems that something out there has a mind of its own, well it doesn’t have one unified mind. There are many minds, and they are all interacting. Karma, providence, even chi flow, are all just aspects…

  • Using Astral Energy

    Using Astral Energy

    The definition of astral energy is any spiritual/psychic energy. Life force. It is the raw life force. It’s the “observer force” from physics. It’s why they say in the Bible, if there were no human beings the rocks would praise God. Is it like when people have out of body experiences? It’s like that if…

  • Power of Intention

    Power of Intention

    Attention is one power of astral logistics.  The other power we have of astral logistics is intention. We are told intention doesn’t matter, and that it doesn’t matter what you intend to do. It’s a clever trick, because it keeps us off our feet. It keeps us doing what we must. If we keep paying…

  • Ritual Statement

    Ritual Statement

    Some of the elements of language we don’t now recognize as ritual were actually former rituals. The handshake was a disarming process and bragging was a ritual both in Norse and Japanese cultures, but there is something deeper to ritual. Wedding ceremonies to birthday parties, if they have meaning it’s because they have a message.…

  • Using Ritual

    Using Ritual

    The little ritual, or psychodrama if you will, might seem to have no power or meaning.  But as people have often experienced, if you dream about something aggravating at night, your next day may be very much affected. Much of dream and ritual are connected. Some tools are actually focuses to allow dream like imagery to…

  • Ritual Connection

    Ritual Connection

    Obstacles cease to be obstacles and become simply a part of the terrain as we become more aware. You won’t bemoan the wall when you see the door, and often times especially in the case of sculptors they say they don’t know what they are going to shape until they do. Is there not an…

  • World as Ritual

    World as Ritual

    Do you see a connection between the modern ‘worship’ of materialism/money as the root of many people being in a state of dis-ease, as in it being a good example of ‘bad’ ritual? Yes, I do indeed. The American bill says in God we trust, but in fact the ritual of money isn’t about trust…

  • Spiritual Forces

    Spiritual Forces

    I’ve heard you say “in the grip of some spiritual force” and then say “they are inside you.” I wanted to ask, do you ever give props to a power outside of us? Actually, yes I do, if I understand your question right.  Respect, you mean? I mean, yes, the right to occupy your mind,…

  • Live Your Moments

    Live Your Moments

    There’s this space you can get into where things go at super speed and you’re really there. It is similar to trance, full immersion, and it isn’t necessarily detached. In the martial arts they teach a sort of awareness of the moment, where you are totally immersed in the encounter. This is how you effectively…

  • To Divine

    To Divine

    Divination is perhaps the most simple metaphysical practice possible, and so people naturally tend to get into a lot of trouble with it. For every culture (I mean literally every culture), there have been one or more oracles. Oracle is any system or technique practiced to divine, or the one practicing the divining.  My true…