Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Natural Cycles

    Natural Cycles

    I don’t actually go into technical things as a matter of course, but often these subjects do help a technical practice anyway. The biggest shocker may be this, astrology is not about the stars. Astrology is in essence the same sort of discipline as feng shui or other forms of natural study. It’s based on…

  • Influence of the Universe

    Influence of the Universe

    How exactly do these planetary bodies ‘plug in’ so to speak and influence me? They are large scope or macrocosmic influences, and as things move them they move literally everything else. Like how we have more storms during sunspot activity. So in astrology they seek to see these large scale forces on a human level.…

  • Astrological Relationship

    Astrological Relationship

    Someone earlier today asked if there were ley lines in the Second Life (SL) virtual world. I would say there are, and the rhythms are keying into our communication. The energy breathing substance into what seems very different than the old French cave paintings or Native American petroglyphs, and yet is it really different? Is…

  • Channeling


    I resist channeling. The ‘teachers’ seem to me much like humans, and at times I grow tired of the philosophy, duty, and platitudes. Many people say they are channeling, but they aren’t. Others don’t, but relate well to the teachers. I do channel some, and they don’t identify with incarnation. Many think channeling is contact with…

  • Channeling Technique

    Channeling Technique

    I practice a channeling but not like it’s popularly practiced, and I don’t usually put my method forward because it seems very alien. There is a simple idea. Energy is life, so matter is life also. Energy forms fields that are non localized, and all energy is life. So the life of other things can be…

  • Evolving Earth

    Evolving Earth

    Every place has a “spirit”, a perceivable essence be that chi or a genius loci.  Places themselves have seemed very alive throughout human history. In fact, the “gods” referred to in feng shui were originally perceived spirits native to a place. A tree, a large stone, etc., basically very similar to Shinto kami. The Earth…

  • Hauntings


    When they are investigating possible hauntings one of the first things they look to, because it is established, is weird electrical fields, faulty wiring and such. They do have an impact on human consciousness, and in my own experience it is possible to tell the difference. I suffered from a juvenile seizure disorder, and I…

  • Sacred Power

    Sacred Power

    Does the theory of sacred places pertain to virtual spaces? Yes, and any energy that moves you closer to zero point resonance, which rather than being a void or empty headed state is more like highly amplified alpha wave brain function, can serve as a sacred place. The value of adding things to a sacred…

  • Using the Power

    Using the Power

    Tuning in is like wireless internet the old way.  Our legends of information being shared over great distances, by any who focused on feeling the power in the world, are so common as to be refutable only in particular elements, not the phenomenon itself. Mentally text someone for free as long as they’re in your…

  • Spirit Awakening

    Spirit Awakening

    Documentation on how sacred places were located is scattered. They used pendulums or dowsing rods and many of the legendary water spirits were believed to dwell at places that were basically sacred sites, and not every sacred site welcomed everyone.  Some only the village Shaman entered because of what they did with their energy. For…

  • Spiritual Body

    Spiritual Body

    I watch human beings traverse the astral a lot. They are sort of sleep walking. On the level I call home, the metaphysical and here, there is really one important factor. The concern is this. Often people experience something on that side and say “Oh, wow!” or like in the movie ‘Close Encounters’ they make…

  • Transcendence


    Dreams, emotions, thoughts and words are resonant portals within the astral. They tend to aggregate. There are “higher” and “lower” vibratory thoughts, and there is also harmonious or dissonant, elemental or spiritual, all sorts of coordinates. I don’t need to modulate my spiritual state of being to move in the astral. There are levels that…

  • Origin of Animal Guides

    Origin of Animal Guides

    Animal guides as a topic is potentially deeper than it might seem. In Taoism they say the 1000 things stem from one thing. This is said in one way or another in every tradition, and it’s reflected in many creation myths; the Native American, the Egyptian, Babylonian, Japanese. Even in the Native Australian belief, and…

  • Animal’s Power

    Animal’s Power

    We can all learn from animal’s power and to be more like the traits in the animals as they are in their pure form. It brings out good things in us as we have similar power in ourselves. Thus we were able to domesticate previously wild animals. When you sought the guidance of a Shaman,…

  • Human and Animal

    Human and Animal

    What if in the course of acting out animal instinct, one fails to see beyond their own desires and harms others? That is a valid point. Can you avoid doing any harm? In trying to avoid harm, is it proof against your harm? If you refuse to engage, can that not itself cause harm? In pursuing…

  • Animal Guides Q&A

    Animal Guides Q&A

    Sometimes you can crave things that aren’t very good for you? That’s not from instinct. Addiction is a human trait. Most animals will sniff beer and refuse to drink, and they flee smoke. My first power animal was a skunk! Oh yes, mustelids are quite spirited. If you need to understand determination, watch a skunk.…

  • Familiar Companions

    Familiar Companions

    Familiar spirits is not unlike the term kindred spirits. It’s even sort of like the concept of soul mates. It’s basically the idea that birds of a feather flock together. That as you are spiritually, so you connected to other spirits. Some people feel very close to nature.  They love the trees, flowers, and animals. They often have…

  • Connection with a Familiar

    Connection with a Familiar

    The Kami is one kind of familiar spirit. They do form bonds with humans as is evident in Japanese legend. The Kami are a sort of elemental spirit, but rather evolved. They tend to draw their energy from plants and want them to thrive. They also tend to like children, as do fairies, and this…