Shadowy State Between Living and Spirit
The undead state has two boundaries rather than just one. It’s a shadowy state between the living world and the spirit world proper, sort of like walking in one of those old monastic cloisters. In fact, this is part of why old monasteries tend to stay haunted for so long. It’s a comparable state of…
Rise of Undead
What might make a whole sale rise of undead you might ask? Well, from time to time the living experience radically unbalanced states of stress, a sort of crisis that reaches critical mass. Plague, famine, war? Yes. The undead may have been mistaken for angels at one time. The original recollections of the malahk don’t describe…
Undead Motivation
Can the undead make you into one, like vampires? Ah, the issue of undead motivation. The stories differ about undead motivation. What they might want or need. Can they ever move on? Universally, they can move on from their state. The question is more of their willingness to move on. In some cases, the undead…
Fringe Incarnation and Contact
Could undead materialize in the cyber realm? Ah yes, the fringe incarnation. There are stories of the dead returning to inhabit objects, tools or weapons, clothing, things formerly of emotional meaning to them. This is why in some cultures these things were burned, and perhaps why we still have a habit of burying possessions with…
Foreign Sort of Reason
Shall we discuss fairy tales? First things first, they are not necessarily about fairies, though they can include them. They are about fates, and fairies are typically involved in many of the old tales. What are your experiences of fairy tales? They seem to be usually the voice of reason in the stories. They grant…
Equipping People to See It Coming
Now, I will ask you my friends, do you ever just get a clear description of what someone saw or heard? Nope. There is a reason for that. There is a part of the brain that is responsible for producing what could be called a “developed” picture for you to understand. Every time the brain…
Explicit and Implicit Map
People tend to have really unusually changes of perception when under unusual stress. An otherwise down to earth person can begin to “see” presences that may or may not be there, and when whole communities are under such great stress, it can in theory result in mass hysteria which means everyone begins to have what…
Elf Shot
Everyone familiar with the Kennedy assassination? Does it really matter as much where the bullets came from as it does what the outcome was? The fairy tale connection is with a concept called elf shot. It was believed that if you angered the other people, they had the means to shoot you. Not in the…
Reality of the Crossroads
Ever notice the poetic nature of fairy tales? Those who are long familiar with my classes have said I speak like poetry as well. Those metaphors aren’t just imagination. Our words reflect an actual object of observation. I think the rhythm is kind of magic. A rhyme helps you remember. Yes, and for fairy tales…
Fortune Favours the Imaginative
Imagine reality is a true democracy. Reality is like a woven tapestry. What do weavers do with hopelessly snarled threads? They just snip them away and start again. People like imperfections now. It shows the hand of the crafter. They like imperfections, and don’t care what they craft. They aren’t the only ones getting a vote. The…
Everything Has Practices
The subject of ‘Practices’ sort of arises from recent difficulties I have been having with events. I seem to have lost my stride as they say, lost some inspiration. You imply you have goals, is this so? I have pictures, experiences that at one time I was asked to share. As far as an agenda…
Practice Has a Form
Our inner most nature might be a higher self? One behind the day to day belief systems, and one of a core belief or path? Yes exactly. Chinese philosophy goes into that. They say, “That which goes against the Tao cannot stand.” The Tao is an all-encompassing harmony of the universe itself. They also say…
Practice to Synchrony
Perhaps further elaboration will better serve. I have done a lot of teaching on a lot of different practices. They come in all colors and forms, and we each share our own special gift with the world. Someone who brings red is ill served and negated when they try to conform to a standard of…
What are Your Practices?
There are people who don’t believe they have a practice. They are mistaken. In fact, they believe they don’t have a practice because they don’t have what they consider special experiences, spiritual epiphanies, paranormal contacts, things like that. Seeking these things is what creates the confusion. These people actually have the most powerful magick in…
Natures Night Side
The title we gave this series might be a bit misleading. Night guides actually refers to animals guides, and as with everything in the subject of dark metaphysics, we will be discussing the darker side of that phenomenon. A bit of clarification, as we have had some misunderstanding here before, I don’t teach or glorify…
Gifts from the Earth Mother
For those who may feel they have no connection with an animal guide, some clarity is in order. In the shamanic model of the world and reality, everything you have, every gift, talent, trait, was received by you as a gift from the earth mother herself. So if you are spry, you got that from…
Place of All Fear
Now a brief aside on nocturnal creatures then we will discuss individual beings. Nocturnal creatures represent a minority of presences in our world. The reason the night dwelling creatures are associated with fear is because they are associated with death and what do we fear more than death? The Mesoamerican name for the realm of the…
Keepers of Your Initiation
How can you discover a totem? They show up in your behavior and aptitudes, in your dreams, and sometimes even in your physical relationships. Discovering ones totem is a deep process in a way. Is it always another living thing? No. It can be a type of tree, or some spirit of the wind, or…