Category: Metaphysics of Science

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that focuses specifically on the concepts we use to understand reality itself, rather than what might be the best way to do something. Science was originally classified as a philosophy, in my opinion it still is, but many object to the notion that science is still a philosophy. They point at what they feel is proof that science possesses substance that philosophy doesn’t.

There is a schism between science and metaphysics that I believe would be well served by being bridged rather than having the bridge burned. Would you say that working toward a better and clearer metaphysics is without merit in today’s world?

“It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.” Albert Einstein

“Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions” Vera Rubin

  • What is Alchemy?

    What is Alchemy?

    Alchemy uses a series of beliefs that I myself practice. Both intuitive and literal observations of matter and the natural world, but it is more focused on artifice. It even had a doctrine that doesn’t really defy common sense; That nature doesn’t create finished products. This is why alchemy had an almost moral agenda to…

  • Science, Spirit, Energy and Matter

    Science, Spirit, Energy and Matter

    Alchemy can be applied widely, and it’s more a way of thinking or philosophy rather then ‘stir a pot and out comes gold’ as it’s usually portrayed. The association with making gold was narrow even in the heyday of alchemy. However, some say philosophy is just a subjective stance and has no substance in the…

  • The Keys of Alchemy

    The Keys of Alchemy

    Did alchemists really try to change matter to something else like gold? They experimented with matter to confirm or refute their theories. What were their theories? A cycle of creation, or arising. The elements didn’t all just pop up, they stemmed from each other much like the cycle we can observe in water. Matter was…

  • Feeling Tired?

    Feeling Tired?

    The biggest complaint everyone has is the lack of energy. I hear it constantly. We as a culture are told to control ourselves. To subdue our feelings and motivations, and then wonder why we have no motivation. Energy doesn’t come from what we are supposed to do, that saps energy. We have to re-route energy…

  • Being Labeled

    Being Labeled

    Symbolism and metaphors are too personal and individual to ever be understood by scientific processes, and they diagnose vivid ID imagery emerging to consciousness as psychosis. Then I was a psychotic infant, and why am I capable of coherent behaviour? Because my consciousness is different my health is different, because my health is different my…

  • Spiritual Wounds

    Spiritual Wounds

    The truth of physicality is the common sense of our culture, yet everyone ignores it as they busily manifest their spiritual wounds. Excess leading to the palace of wisdom, but that’s if you can get back. For many, wisdom is the compensation for life as f#*&ed up. You can say it’s this way for me…

  • Spiritual is Animal

    Spiritual is Animal

    For me daily, my muscles behave as if I have done hard labour all day upon waking. I never seem relaxed, and for all intents and purposes I never am. I have a somatic instinct. My shape even seems to change to people. If it’s off, in moments of composure my skeleton realigns, even some fine…

  • Health and Spirituality

    Health and Spirituality

    Health is related to spirituality, the mind-body connection. Like how laughter is healing or at least stabilizing. I have made some observations in life, and in my observation those who are truly happy tend to be very healthy.  Also, peoples issues tend to correspond to their temperament. Anyone else observe this? So by default if…

  • Why do we Strive?

    Why do we Strive?

    Some say the physical is dual, so we have to rise above the duality and become more spiritual. So the physical is profane? I find that people tend to trip over the idea of transcending the physical. It is confusing and a bit upsetting. Is this necessary? It seems to me that the spirit is already…

  • Healing Energy

    Healing Energy

    Energy healing is both very simple, and perhaps one of the most complicated subjects in this field. We live and breath in a field of reality. We are fed and feed into an ecosystem of energy. It is alive and has rhythms and patterns all its own. What we call our feelings and health is…

  • Healing Connection

    Healing Connection

    Perhaps less philosophical is therapeutic touch. Therapeutic touch has been found to reduce the nervous defence response. This is the biggest part of its healing benefit. They have done extensive studies on a phenomenon called biophilia. We inherently are comforted by life. Even loud noisy life, wild life, and more than life in general, we have the…

  • Energy Alignment

    Energy Alignment

    We call some energies positive and others negative. What I would caution any healer is to not assume an energy is to be removed or rejected. There are those who, without choice and just by nature, are negative. This doesn’t mean they are destructive. They can be a fire wall fighting fire with fire. It…

  • Omnipresent Mind

    Omnipresent Mind

    Remote viewing is so simple it’s complicated, as many things are. It’s based on research and insights that state that even though your body is localized, mind as an energy and a construct of any sort is omni-present. The first real acknowledged researcher was J.B. Rhine, but of all the para-psychological research being done, America…

  • Psychic Viewing

    Psychic Viewing

    How psychic readings can be done is that some seem to visualize their thoughts as parts of their brain. This isn’t actually so, but the thoughts are energy patterns in a collective field that we are all present in. They have even discovered that dogs can be trained to sense the neural spiking in seizure…

  • Field of Mind

    Field of Mind

    Synchronicity is a rule. Psychic forces actualize. An aspect of remote viewing is seeing an “object” that isn’t and can’t be present at the site, but is a true presence at the site. Like a state of mind in the residents, or an element of the history of the site. So you might see, say, Godzilla.…

  • Magick vs Psionics

    Magick vs Psionics

    The difference between psionics versus magick is like Taoism versus Buddhism. In magick, you recognize the interplay of energies in the environment and come to see how you are a part of them and can affect them. Sort of an intuitive science. In psionics, you recognize the play of forces within you and gain control…

  • Exerting Force

    Exerting Force

    Psychokinesis is the minds ability to exert force on the world whether it’s coordinated or not. But there are observable differences in exactly how any influence happens or is arrived at. There are two levels of Psychokinesis, and one is simply the observer affect. It is basically what they call micro-psychokinesis or PK for short.…

  • Psychokinesis Phenomenon

    Psychokinesis Phenomenon

    Psychokinesis (PK) is directly linked to energy state. Thus many tai chi practitioners report an increase in energy, as do yogis and really any energy worker. Most people don’t experience or notice self generated PK, because their systems are bogged down in what’s been called G.A.S, generalized affective syndrome. Your energy is all bleeding away…