Category: Light Metaphysics

I will be exploring more specifically the ‘psychic and paranormal’ phenomenon. Perhaps they will help you understand more about yourself. As Derek Acorah is quoted, “Everyone who is born to the Earth has the psychic ability lying dormant.”

Do I have concrete psychic/spiritual experiences? Indeed. I am defined medically as autistic, meaning I’m “self absorbed.” I experience the internal processes first. The neural structure that screens things and slows down sense impression for processing doesn’t work for me. Sensory impressions come to me like abstract input and I interpret stuff “strangely.”

I “order” information in a certain way, and I have no subconscious as others understand it. Dream like imagery is a part of my waking experience, so forms a psycho sensory gestalt. Someone I meet in person, her personal presence her personality and any symbolism, form a fused construct in my mind, and I have a language focus because it provides a framework for cognitive organization. Even incorporating some terms from languages other than my birth tongue.

For myself experience and practice came first.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

  • Pattern Recognition Theory of Mind

    Pattern Recognition Theory of Mind

    Portals. We are (each of us) sensitive to far more than we are conscious of. Through long exposure you have absorbed patterns of information that you haven’t begun to process. The brain just sort of adapts. One scientist is now saying that everything is math, while I don’t agree with that statement fundamentally, I do…

  • Portal Effect

    Portal Effect

    In general, the portal effect has a deeper meaning and impact on the mind than even science is realizing right now. We define our space and experience by it as much as we do by our sensory impressions. It forms an unseen boundary to our experience, walls that you never see, and it is a…

  • Temporal Portal in Action

    Temporal Portal in Action

    An example of a temporal portal distorting causal relationships… Ever intend to do something, even find yourself imagining doing it, but you know you never did it, and when you finally get around to doing it it was already done, and by no one other than you? Awkwardly stated, but I hope the question is…

  • Portal Based Consciousness

    Portal Based Consciousness

    Brain wave frequencies are temporal frequencies, and when you drop down into the theta band, you sync up with the geomagnetic field around us. This opens a portal, and your consciousness shifts into an atemporal space which is where most of the deceased linger for a time, the Buddhist bardo. They are more deeply embedded…

  • Expand Your Consciousness

    Expand Your Consciousness

    How normal humans engineer their consciousness amazes me. They have such a firm foundation, and such potentially agile minds, great possible range of perception, yet they do everything they can to prevent that, seal every path, make that cell as tight as they possibly can. I do wonder when the cenobites will emerge and what…

  • Egyptian Reverence for the Gods

    Egyptian Reverence for the Gods

    My applied theurgy classes are about ways understanding and reverence for the gods can have practical benefits in life. Recently, they have been examining closely how the brain works in many different cases, and one thing that is proving universally true is everything about brain function seems to be dependent on context. In Egyptian metaphysics,…

  • Associations of Bast

    Associations of Bast

    The best way to understand the Egyptian gods is to understand the culture they lived in. Egyptian spirituality was a living and changing thing so over time the roles of the gods changed as both the politics and the culture of the various Egyptian nomes changed. When Egypt was unified, eventually the city states expanded…

  • Applications of Bast

    Applications of Bast

    So applications of the way of Bast in modern life? Well, one would be simple as the citizens of Per-Bast did share their life with a cat. In Egyptian spirituality there wasn’t as much devotionalism as there was in other religions. People saw themselves as living with their gods, alongside them, and living in good faith…

  • Investigating the Universe

    Investigating the Universe

    Causality is something neither denied nor well accepted by conventional scientific thinkers. Many are heavily invested in a world view where any apparent order is supposedly incidental. Science has not been able to refute causality though, nor causal integrity. The big problem is that scientists, as well as society as a whole, tends to see…

  • First and Last Rule

    First and Last Rule

    The default reality is not what Bohm called the explicate reality, it’s the implicate. The strange behaviour of quantum phenomenon is not the big mystery, certainly not a fringe phenomenon. Our concept of matter and particle physics is the fringe or shoddy thinking. Decisions. They are not what they seem to be. Humanity romanticizes a…

  • Our Capacity to Access More

    Our Capacity to Access More

    The most basic assumption of the dominant thinking on reality right now, that model which seeks to dispel all forms of magickal or intuitive thinking, is simply stated. There was nothing, and then there was something, the big bang. The very basis of their argument against magick, that you can’t create something out of nothing,…

  • Every Atom is a Point of View

    Every Atom is a Point of View

    We perceive that we live in a single world, but there is no single world. No world is a closed system and none can exist independently of the whole multiverse. We think of other universes as existing somehow removed from our own. In one theory, even in a far removed region of space. This is…

  • Compromised Memory

    Compromised Memory

    The basic building block of the human body is the cell, yes? The material that supposedly retained the memory is not lost or eliminated so there is no material loss to go with the memory loss. What would you think is the brain of the individual cell? Nucleus. Well, what is the brain of matter? Connections.…

  • Your Personal Universe

    Your Personal Universe

    The parallel universes are enmeshed with each other. Each being in our universe is its own universe, its own set of shifting energies and physical patterns/behaviours, perceptions, observations. The supposed physical constants of the universe are no such thing. The range of variance shows some necessary constraints just as your voice has a necessary limit…

  • The Recognizing Gate

    The Recognizing Gate

    What do you define as consciousness? Energy pattern? Consciousness is the recognizing gate. Consciousness is the black hole beyond which there is only an entire universe. One theory of the multiverse holds that our universe and all universes exist on the inside surface of an infinitely dense and intense singularity. So that would be one…

  • Differentiation from Other

    Differentiation from Other

    How do we differentiate from each other? Each consciousness generates an event field, a wake from its own activity. These event fields, the byproduct of the conscious process of attention, contact and interact with other such fields. Individual consciousness, individual minds, exist as degrees of freedom in what they are calling the zero point field.…

  • Law of Infinite Universes Application

    Law of Infinite Universes Application

    So shall we get to actual application of the Law of Infinite Universes? The process of manifestation is governed by the confirmation of attention, so our pattern of attention may resist the possibility of the thing we seek to manifest. The way to allow the manifestation through is to ask yourself, to find the answer…

  • Story of Divination

    Story of Divination

    History repeats itself. It has been repeating itself for a very long time. In truth, the concept of history as a linear flow of continuity is itself mistaken. The systems of events that occur around us have existed really forever. Time and events are not a homogeneous flow. Each aspect of time and any event…