Analysis of Tension: Being Good
Ready to share your tensions? Wasn’t she next? Doesn’t matter to me. Me either. Yes, it does. You just shared one of your tensions, so I will go with it. You are having trouble reconciling your desire for autonomy with your desire to be loved, and cannot reconcile the tension between the two. This is…
Being Worthy
How are you feeling? I feel curious. Excellent. That will take a bit of concentration to come up with an adequate metaphor. I’m eating at the moment, so “hungry” might fit at least for my physical aspect. Feeling is as diverse as the world itself, yes. But we will be discussing one in particular. I…
Between Thinking And Being
Is there a discordance between “sense” and situation? There is, yes. Situation is an opinion, a rigid pattern, a shell. Sense is music. Consider a loved one. If you try to understand them, what do you understand? What I can sense from them? Can you sense and try to understand? You understand what you perceive?…
Affirmations for a Positive Well-Being by Elias Cortez
An affirmation is a thought, a word or a statement in our conscious or sub-conscious mind. It is important for us to realize that these thoughts or affirmations are instrumental in shaping our lives, our destinies. These thoughts or beliefs are based on our everyday experiences from the time we become aware of our surroundings.…
Pleasure At Being Alive
Pleasure at being alive. What is that like? Anyone want to share? Calm. Open. Balance. Peace, security. Excellent. I have envied these things. I did for a very long time. Anything else? A feeling that everything is right in the world at that moment. That there is nothing to fear. Freedom. Wonderful. I see all…
Limited Being
You hear the term limitless in a lot of popular literature these days. Human potential movement gurus, and well, really the whole lot of that type. Even in more conventional psychology material. It has become quite a buzzword. So what does it mean to you? Freedom. Limitless, I think, is when you don’t see boundaries…
Embracing The Wholeness Of Our Being
Perhaps to take Glamour work back into human experience… We have all heard the term feminine charms, yes? Women these days often resent the term feminine charms, feminine wiles. It implies they are being deceptive, but in fact the opposite is true. The supposed wisdom is in fact the lie. Mostly women don’t like the old…
Being Overshadowed
Shadows are distorted by the interplay of light being reflected off of other objects. They can even be obscured by the shadow of another, thus we have the idea of being “overshadowed”. The father wanting his son to follow certain traditions simply because they are that. That is an example, yes, but why do we…
States of Being
The separation between matter and energy is also itself illusory, and everything we experience as having happened in this material realm also happens on these other realms, though there is a discontinuity as involves the issue of time. We think of before and after, present and past, but these things only apply to the material…
Free Being
Decisions, right decisions, wrong decisions. You will find countless people or authorities that pose as the authority on this judgement, but you will find no one single being or object that is the embodiment of the world intelligence. The only way to experience it is in your own self. What would happen if you gave…
Understanding in Being
We have in our being an understanding of our whole nature, and a reference point for understanding the entirety of nature itself. We research things because we want to. We build things because we want the tool or means to our end that our “industry” produces, and we are working with what is effectively a…
Engineer States of Being
I do like to take anything like this on ripple realities back to practical application. Though the practical application of this insight is perhaps really complicated, it is still there. Because if you can shift your consciousness out to that outer limit of your awareness, sort of like examining what happens when an atom decays,…
What if Kindness is a State of Being?
So can we really define kindness as a resource? I feel awkward requesting kindness too. Why do we feel that? Like we don’t want charity. We feel awkward requesting kindness, because we know that anything other than kindness is a sign of disease, unease, imbalance. It’s implicitly wrong. Good deeds done to you can lack kindness…
Being Built of Desire
Life without motivation, could we call it life? Even bacteria have a raw will to live. Lack of motivation is pretty much the definition of dead I’d say. We have motivation even when we don’t experience “motivation” on a conscious level. This is why we experience things like hunger and thirst. We don’t have to mentally…
State of Being in Love
How do we know what love is? Do we know it just by saying it? A feeling? Can you describe the feeling clearly? I think we know the feeling before we can really understand it and not be afraid of it. I can’t and I think that’s why poetry gets so elaborate. People struggle with…
Stop Being Thought
Orange magic helps us if we don’t think too much? Actually, it helps us to really think, and stop being thought. Putting action first enhances thinking? It does, and recognizing thought as action. Ever notice when you vividly imagine doing something, while you’re imagining it your coordination gets worse? Yes. Body and brain get disconnected.…
Your Inner Being Can Be Shaped
What if you decide you don’t want something and take steps to change it, is that still a reaction? Yes, defined by rejection of the entire process, but it might be a good start as long as it doesn’t lead to a chain of such rejections. We can become very well practiced nihilists that way.…
Natural Sense of Well-being
Children go through a stage authorities call individuation. We have an instinct that tells us that we should be free to connect with new things as well as familiar things. Well, for myself, that individuation stage was my entire early childhood. What I intuited, even then, was that as strange or “alien” as the world…