Power of Ability
Ego thinks ‘I do’ and that by virtue of ‘myself‘ I must do everything. Thought is not self. Thought is process and we are “created in gods image”. All powerful. Which means we have the power of ability to do all things. Good or bad. We get caught up in the same thing. Ego is…
Power of the Word
The subject is the power of the word. It isn’t the word of any doctrine or belief, but that factor of belief is a part of it. It is the creative power of speech, of articulating thought in words. Many traditions use chant in one form or another, but modern cultures seem to have lost…
Power Beyond Measure
What it would be like if I could do anything? The wizard is eventually revealed as a silly little man behind a curtain. He still had the power, and magic is everywhere. Martin Luther King was really just upset that people were being creepy to each other, and yet he made a big change in…
Transfer of Power
Many of the modern medical observations came from old “occult” experimentation, “necromancy”, and alchemical exploration. The common practice for chemical analysis in old alchemy was by taste, and human material was used in medicines as in a sweetbread. Heart in animals is a “sweet meat”, as is brain, which do tend to go to the…
Sacred Power
Does the theory of sacred places pertain to virtual spaces? Yes, and any energy that moves you closer to zero point resonance, which rather than being a void or empty headed state is more like highly amplified alpha wave brain function, can serve as a sacred place. The value of adding things to a sacred…
Using the Power
Tuning in is like wireless internet the old way. Our legends of information being shared over great distances, by any who focused on feeling the power in the world, are so common as to be refutable only in particular elements, not the phenomenon itself. Mentally text someone for free as long as they’re in your…
Animal’s Power
We can all learn from animal’s power and to be more like the traits in the animals as they are in their pure form. It brings out good things in us as we have similar power in ourselves. Thus we were able to domesticate previously wild animals. When you sought the guidance of a Shaman,…
Power of Intention
Attention is one power of astral logistics. The other power we have of astral logistics is intention. We are told intention doesn’t matter, and that it doesn’t matter what you intend to do. It’s a clever trick, because it keeps us off our feet. It keeps us doing what we must. If we keep paying…
Power to Give
Reciprocation has played a part in a lot of metaphysical and spiritual world views. As above so below, yin and yang, yet we in our modern culture have largely abandoned this idea thinking we act independently of the world, or that we can operate in closed systems. Even our science says there really aren’t any…
Living Power
There are many solar deities, but they all share things in common. Both giving and punishing, both warm and potentially damning. Does this seem to refute our contemporary understanding of the sun? But in the ancient world, the power of the sun was considered a living power. They didn’t have this concept of living and…
Power of the Trickster
How do we use the power of the trickster? The power of the trickster is to some degree behind all occult practices. To do a great work you must be prepared to put aside your belief in “the truth.” To create anything truly new, you have to reject other ideas. Invention comes from seeing a…
Power Is Not Force
Power. It’s a very complicated topic in a way, and yet not as complicated as people make it. Perhaps first an important distinction: Power is not force, and most people who are attempting to show power are actually showing force. Force is not powerful. It’s just forceful, and rigid. What is power actually? Control? Hmm,…
Life Driven Power
Sometimes the power of science can cut through myth? Sometimes the power of science creates its own myths. Scientific egotism really needs a reality check. A big piece of our medical knowledge is actually recycled shamanism, but not the profit motive. But the point is, any observation regardless of ascription, looks at the universe and…
Power In Life
The subject is power, and I’m not talking about the egotists ambition. I’m talking about the force that moves the world. There is power, and we think we have it, and yet deeper in our hearts we really fear we don’t. And for most of us on any level, we aren’t really sure what it…
You Are Power
In Hawaiian culture, they acknowledge all forms of life as family, and they aren’t being abstract about it. So my power is the power of the piece of pizza I ate this morning, should I declare myself to be pizza? Sometimes when you’re hungry you feel your strength coming back by every bite. Indeed, and…
Dragon Power
Ultimately, in both schools of thought (and I find this very strange) whether monstrous or angelic, the dragon was said to have remarkable powers of healing and to grant wisdom. Autism, whether it’s attributed to environmental or medical abuses or just a genetic abnormality, has been found to be linked to an over rapid development…
Consistent Power
All of our senses function on one principle, and it is the consistency behind all senses. Attention. We have this power, because attention is the process by which we express our individual purposes here. How we are individuated in any way at all? We are here to “attend.” Do you believe it has something to…
Power of Geography
How to ready “geography” according to geomancy? They were primarily concerned with two things: mountains and rivers. The arrangement of mountain to river was the basic way of determining the healthiness of the energy there, and mountains and rivers have been the most important places in every other tradition too, even if they have slightly…