Embrace Light and Shadow
For any light you have a shadow. The truth of any spirit is found not in the object of the senses nor its opposite, but in between. But often we see only what we choose to. We declare one small facet of reality ‘truth’ and refuse to see it very deeply. People refuse to see…
Tree Of Life Shadow
Judaism doesn’t have any concept of hell, but the emanations in some schools of Kabbalism have a shadow aspect. The tree of life and its shadow. It’s called the tree of life because it is seen as an outgrowth of the infinite God, and the emanations arose in stages. It’s shadow element isn’t much talked…
Spiritual Shadow
We undergo many changes. Things are lost, and we discover new paths. This has a dark side, but dark things aren’t bad of necessity and by trying to hide them, or bury them, you deny part of you. There is a literal darkness of spiritual, and it is my observation that life on all levels…
Light and Shadow
Light siders have aggression too by the way. So understand the other. Not every one who is dark is your enemy. Dark and light can be very intimate and mutually supportive. When you are attacked by dark, including psychic vampires, recall your strength, and I don’t necessarily mean your teaching. I mean that inner light in…
Nature Of Shadow People
Why do so many things appear to us in ways we perceive as frightening? Well, two reasons. One is that some of the more “remote” arms of reality can only present themselves to us in a very bad analog of the forms we are familiar with. They can only show a “finger” rather than their…
Psychology Of Shadow People
Now, I will go into the psychology of shadow people. They are often perceived as evil/malevolent, and this echoes human psychic reactions. They aren’t friendly, nor are they dangerous. You may perceive that they don’t like you, and you would be correct. They don’t like you, but it’s more for the same reason you might…
Shadow State
I’ve never heard of the state of “shadow person.” Shadow person is what humans call it. It was at one point believed that all of the dead went on to live in the shadow state. This was maybe even true at one point, but the psychic atmosphere of our world has changed and is changing. It’s…
Equal Part Shadow
We all know the world of the light. It’s the world of the taught and the agreed upon. It’s the world of the approved and that which is publicly seen as virtuous. But there is another side to the world. A side that some people come to think applies mostly to them only, and a…
Ripples In The Shadow Realm
The realm of shadow is the realm of the subconscious. In fact, your subconscious itself is an artefact from your pre-incarnated existence. It arises as an impetus in the collective unconscious that leads two people to pair up. Each circumstance being in essence different, if not in practice, and this potential energy remains with you…
Shadow Hunting
I think I’m denying parts of my shadow and don’t even know it. How do I start to uncover those? Shall we discuss shadow hunting? Even those who aren’t creatures of shadow can learn from them. Ever notice how carrion eaters watch the healthy and unhurt? It isn’t threatening. They don’t intend to kill or…
My Relationship To Shadow
A bit about my relationship to shadow. Having an ASD (autism spectrum disorder), as a developmental trait, has set me up to perceive much that remains hidden to others. In the strictly intellectual task, I don’t have habitual filtering for “pleasing” images, so I don’t select for those in embedded figure patterns. I am likely…
Shadow Consequence
I reflected on whether or not reading or listening to the news was worth the time it took. Now I scan headlines and life hasn’t ended. You should also really look at the destruction they bring, because there is no act that is not also a destructive act. Make cookies you destroy pancakes, because you…
Dimensions Of Light And Shadow
In the series on the Tree Of Life, I spoke of the divine lights. The emanations that gave rise to the creative process in the world and the creation of the world, these being the same thing. But in order for there to be room for the emergence of the divine lights, the God being…
Planes Of Shadow
You say dark and light are not really at war, yet when we think of the “bad guy” we picture them in dark clothing and hidden faces. Indeed, and there are even instinctive, intuitive reasons for that, and deeper mysteries behind that. Why would the bad guy even want to hide his face? The basic…
Transformation to Shadow
People don’t believe that anything can be learned from lies, that anything can be gained from suffering. Most people’s most basic instinct is pleasure seeking, goal seeking. Got to get the thing you want. Even the noble goals are pleasure seeking. Did you once say that everything is a lie? I did indeed, and the…
Tree Of Shadow Followers
Any questions about the tree of shadow, or what someone who really follows it is like? What are they like? How do we spot them? They acquire an earthy, elemental quality. They have a positive reductionism. When all is seen as ash and coal you sort out the diamonds. No horror shakes them, no loss…
Shadow Cast
Today, we are talking about a heavy topic. We are talking about burden. I will open with the question, What is burden? That which weighs heavily on our minds. The monkey on our back, at times provided to you by others. For me, it is a thing that you must face and you can do…
A Shadow Across Time Space
Space is three dimensional. This takes no wild stretch of the imagination. Time is also three dimensional. In our normal experience, we perceive time to play out over dimensions of space. We perceive ourselves to age over the dimension of space we allocate to our bodies, but in general, time seems to be invisible to…