Principles of our Ancestors
I have been reading rants on Facebook as if science had innate moral virtue and how horribly irresponsible it is to veer from science or the supposedly proven. I have also been reading about how horrible scientists cook the books, so to speak. It’s even considered legitimate practice. I’ve noticed that atheists use science as…
Tribal Understanding: Capacity for Language
Another example, the old legends of humans talking with animals was seen as absolutely nonsense. More and more, brain size seems less likely to play a role in brain power. Even things like sea slugs seem able to perform cognitive functions that would seem impossible, even microscopic worms, and some of these organisms don’t even…
Memetic Poison
So language, and specifically mathematics… This is the long path coming back around to today’s intended subject of Benford’s Law. The foundational axioms of math are coming into question. They aren’t holding up well in the face of our progressing insight into the natural world around us, and our math has value only to the…
Expressive Channel
Is there a paradoxical circumstance here? Culture which enables us to “adapt” actually reduces our adaptive capacities? Exactly. The corrective channel is not gone from the human mind, from human experience, but it is more and more vehemently disdained. The stress, this channel in our minds is experiencing, is leading to more and more wide…
Numerological Order
What is Benford’s Law? I thought maybe I should get down to that. It’s a pattern that emerges in various applied fields of mathematics. That the number “1” seems to occur more often than other numbers in data-sets? Ah, you summarized it well, but it goes further than that. As much as many scientists would…
Yin and Yang of Duons
It was formerly believed that your DNA was your destiny. They thought of the DNA structure as being a fixed lattice of information which was more or less constantly churning out product and you more or less just had to deal with it, maybe compensate with diet changes or medications. It turns out those notions…
Chain of Events and Non-Events
Perhaps a theory I am working on… I have been incubating this explanation for a long time, but it might serve today’s topic of Dual Genetics. Everyone familiar with David Bohms implicate order model? He advanced the idea that our entire physical system is the projection of an enfolded system. That some key elements of…
You Are Being Dissimulated
Shall I explain free will in this contraption of sensory input and biology? Well, remember I spoke of this not being the unfolded order? This world not being the outcome of physical processes but a baseline expression? Yes, “enfolded” was your word. No. Enfolded was Bohms word. I reverse it. There is a dynamic going…
Your Fate is not Sealed
I’m only wondering how it gets sorted out – stronger and weaker, adaptation, etc. Ah ok, a part I missed. Thank you very much. I thought I was missing something. Darwinian selection is superficial, shallow to the point of being of questionable use. A superior model is present in the concept of symbiogenesis. Remember I…
Rainbow Gravity Theory
Today’s subject centres around a theory of rainbow gravity. It has critics but I don’t understand the naysayers. They claim to have proven that space time does warp in the presence of a mass like our earth, and none would deny that matter equals energy, just condensed over a certain amount of space. They were…
Multiversal Globe
To start at the top of the multiversal globe… At the top of the multiversal globe you have a very dense space, a zone rich with energy and form, the early structures that would give rise to our matter. As you move along the various latitudinal bands… Pardon, this high density space also has consciousness,…
Earth Time Space
Lateral distribution, the integrity of our planet and space time, is not self supporting. Our earth is sustained by horizontal echoes, resonate dimensional strings that line up well with our own earth but still display sensitivity to influences we are not in direct contact with ourselves. Long story short, earth wasn’t the only planet possible…
Bridging Earths
In order to harness what could be called an entanglement engine, a sort of breeder reactor for quantum force, they wound up inducing a spacial inversion which shunts everything in that space into a parallel resonance band. Think of strings on a guitar. If you pluck just one, those next to it will still resonate…
Quantum Level
The Quantum Cheshire cat is a paradox that is proving to be true. What it amounts to is, though we think of things as being concrete objects, having distinct characteristics, the supposed object and its traits are not necessarily one and the same thing, like a photon and its spin, say. They also feel like…
Beyond the Body
So with the Quantum Cheshire Cat effect, let’s say we wanted to measure all the physical traits that come together to make you as a physical object, yes? If we tried to point our testing device directly at you, where we perceive you to be, our measurements would not be very accurate. We would be…
You Assembling You
So far does it seem like you are a passive object in this distributed system of physics and information? Passive, hell yes, too passive. Just letting the current take me wherever. You are not. Learning, observation, the constant stream of information intake, is actually how you exist. The information you learn and synthesize is you.…