Gods Intention
What is a Gods intention? Gods intention is the law of reality. Gods intention is why a rose smells like it does, and why our planet is where it is in relationship to the sun. It’s also why we can see and hear and think, and why this has any structure. Our senses are the language…
Witches Potion
In the movies, the witches spell can be a complex mix of elements. The witches didn’t just flip their lids and get a lot of ideas out of left field. They had a very intuitive and holistic grasp of how people relate to reality. The witches potion is embedding the elements into a liquid so…
Styles of Spell Casting
Styles of spell casting are like styles of art, really. In my belief, no one style is better than another. Like music, rap isn’t better or worse than pop music or country. But a style of spellcasting may be better or worse for you personally, and finding your spellcasting style is a realization of self.…
Finding Your Spell Casting Style
The styles of spell casting do divide into different domains, but these domains are psychological more than metaphysical. Human opinion more than universal reality. The two broadest perhaps being light workers versus night kind. These are not actually opposed, but people having strong opinions like they do, they created oppositions. There have always been those…
Spell Casting As Problem Solving
Now we will go into spellcasting as problem solving. I will just use one style. You can take your pick friends. Theurgy? Shamanism? Your favourite tradition? Necromancy? I often find that using a style that people consider negative often makes things very clear. Your pick. Necromancy. I will go with it. Even necromancy uses the…
Aware You’re Aware
Today, we are talking about spiritual and psychic health. It’s the first class in a string I intend to do, but not necessarily consecutively. We will have more classes like this as it’s a very complex topic. Today, specifically, we will explore why people aren’t aware that they are alive. Long story short, you aren’t…
First Delusion Of Thought
We have some horrible delusions. They create some serious malfunctions, both in our coping skills and our biological processes, as you cannot actually separate these two things. They are one and the same dynamic. The first delusion is the privileged position of what we are calling thought. The unfocused tendency to try to force our…
Second Delusion Of Choice
The idea that our consciousness works on a dynamic of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain is the second delusion. People believe that life is about choices, and although this makes thinking easier, it quickly becomes an obsession to the point that they think life or death is a choice. The more choices we have, the…
Vigilance Patterns
Shall we go into how base consciousness is mirrored in thinking consciousness, even if distorted? First and primarily it surfaces in our vigilance patterns. This is why you think that people, the world, or God, are watching you. Your life force prompts you to be aware, and to seek the realities that support its growth…
I Think Therefore I Am Not
I would very much like to be rid of some of the thoughts that occur to me at times. You cannot be rid of a thought by thinking. You cannot be rid of a thought by avoiding thought in any way. This is why a lot of new age thinking fails so miserably for people.…
Paranormal Sensitivity
The topic is paranormal places, but I am not going to talk about haunted houses and alien landing sites, not directly at least. Instead, I intend to talk on the general paranormal character of the planet itself. Some of the details and nuances of that. A lot of this links into human consciousness. That being…
World Wide Babble Fest
A friend and I were talking about walk-abouts and how each venture into the forest is attended with our sensors reaching out and getting very specific information about passage-yes or passage-no, and this shifts all the time. So the sensing is required to be receptive to this. We have chants that help us to plug into the…
Encoded Memory
Now shall we go outside of normal human experience? Paranormal. What is the “para” by the way? Alongside. Perhaps a better word than paranormal would be sympathetic experience. The part of your consciousness that is mostly in your sympathetic nervous system and mirroring network, at this point. That is when a pair a normal’s run…
Cooperative Creation
All energy differs from matter only by its state of being or phase. So though at times we may have experienced contact in what seems like an otherworldly and entirely psychological way, it doesn’t mean that the artefact in our consciousness doesn’t correspond to a very tangible and enduring reality. Right now, we are observing…
Other Presences
Not every unseen presence is a ghost. There are plenty of other presences as our earths energy field is broad and complicated, many layers and many levels of being. Is there a difference between a spirit and a ghost? There is, but first I will answer the difference between you and a ghost. The only…
Places Into The Unseen Realm
Now we get to actual places. This is the reason for the physics lesson earlier. I can’t actually draw you a map of all the places that have the right qualities to boost or shift your attention into the unseen realm. Not one that my time, resources or equipment can produce, unfortunately. These places offer…
Big Picture Awareness
Today, we are discussing the sacral or second chakra. Whereas the first is everything primitive and impulsive and alive, the second is the level at which our more complicated perceptions are formed. The enteric nerve plexus (that centers more or less around the stomach and intestines) is almost as sophisticated as the brain. The cardiac…