Category: Laws of Magick

The magickal world is not dead. Read the complete series of posts on the laws of magic or jump to the section on:

Law Of Attraction: You feel anything by the process of desire. There is no aversion, only attraction.

Law Of Negative Attraction: You can’t interrupt any condition without dissipating the same energies that brought you there in the first place.

Law of Contagion: Two things once in contact stay in contact. The law of contagion is also a law of training. It is how you can form new habits.

Law of Infinite Universes: The way to allow manifestation through is to ask yourself, “Who am I in a universe in which this thing is possible?”

Law of Knowledge: Knowledge, true knowledge, is properly oriented. Knowledge is power, because it arises from power, from the behaviour of energy in our world.

Law of Pragmatism: Our perceptions and thus our models of the world are not literally true, and though they are not literally true, they are true enough to be functional.

Law of Similarity: One of the tricks your mind does is group objects with similar qualities together. We need categories, and we didn’t choose to have this trait. Nature set this up for us.

Law of Sympathy: Web of relationships. You can affect anything by affecting what has a link to it.

Law of Synchronicity: Insight into the interaction of beings in the world around us has predictive value.

  • Metaphysical Alchemy: Teeth Clenching

    Metaphysical Alchemy: Teeth Clenching

    I was wondering about teeth clenching. It’s a habit I want to stop because it leads to headaches. Ok, tell me about the circumstances in which you experience teeth clenching, time and situation. Usually at night. A lot of these problems do surface from sublimation at night which is in itself another alchemy term. So…

  • Metaphysical Alchemy: Headaches

    Metaphysical Alchemy: Headaches

    Would the same sort of alchemy thing work for daily headaches as it does for vertigo or teeth clenching? No. Daily headaches need calcination. Under what circumstances do you experience the headaches? Almost every morning. Ah ok, on waking or on resuming daily activity? Resuming. I do on occasion wake with with them but more…

  • True Enough

    True Enough

    Tonight, we are talking about the law of pragmatism. I find myself thinking often on this. Has anyone established a truly reliable model of reality? Some are pretty workable, but they often have big holes even though they work well. In much of our seeking after knowledge and truth, we are forced to resort to…

  • Real Life System

    Real Life System

    Does the model labeled “real life” allow people to survive well and achieve their personal goals efficiently? No, because it’s too tied into the agreed upon system. Agreements, and by that I mean ethically sound agreements, are arrived at mutually. Is real life a mutually arrived at agreement? Yes and no. It’s done mutually but not…

  • Look A Likes

    Look A Likes

    The mind does some things naturally. Many of the things the mind does of its own inclination have served it well for a very long time, but modern trends call these natural tendencies or instincts into question without demonstrating a practical reason why they should be questioned or rejected. One of the tricks your mind…

  • Life as a Collection of Causes

    Life as a Collection of Causes

    So shall we get to the way out esoteric stuff? It begins with a question. Why is there even a quantifiable list of similarities? Why can we list all the primary colors or compare things mathematically? We can teach our children shapes and these relate well enough to real life as to be adequately descriptive of…

  • Delving Into Our Categories

    Delving Into Our Categories

    Delving deeply into our categories, or the law of similarity, we can come to see not only how things are stable and unified, but how they interact with each other in a holistic way. Even medicine is having to bend its knee to this process. Though the color of a pill has nothing to do…

  • Align Your Energies with the Choice

    Align Your Energies with the Choice

    Simple arbitrary rejection of the apparent is as silly as it seems. Reality won’t let you ignore it, but reality will let you recategorize it. Turn the axis of Rubik’s cube so the colors match in a more useful way. Whatever causes you might perceive to be potentially present in your situation, they are present…

  • You Evolve

    You Evolve

    In The Tibetan Book of the Dead, they make mention of a stage of the souls journey through the bardo where the soul encounters a “mirror.” This mirror is only a barrier if the soul perceives a mismatch between their self-image and what the mirror reflects. The consequences being they reincarnate, but for those with…

  • Reality is Self-Correcting

    Reality is Self-Correcting

    There is nothing that’s unforgivable, because there is nothing that is ultimately judgeable. Reality doesn’t care for human judgement. Even when things get derailed, they are just shuffled back into the mix. Nothing is ever left un-reconciled. This “mix” could seem to justify anything, but I see your point, and it is indeed a comforting…

  • What Makes the World Turn?

    What Makes the World Turn?

    How many of you here have attempted to work with the law of attraction? Physically, or socially? Either or both. I have worked with it. Socially, I guess. I suppose I have. How did that go? I found what works for me. I tried to test it, and it worked. Well, by putting energies into…

  • Evolvers and Devolvers

    Evolvers and Devolvers

    The world operates with many different processes all at once. One set of processes being what ancient philosophers referred to as a law of sympathy, like attracts like, like effects like. But does reality show any real evidence of being dualistic? Is light really separate from dark, winter from summer? No. It’s more like a…

  • Jumping Over Yourself

    Jumping Over Yourself

    So I will ask, has any effort to make something happen worked the way you wanted it to? Emphasis on make, force. By force of will did you ever succeed exactly as you intended to? When I’ve tried to force, it backfires. There is not just one layer of sympathetic connections. There are many. The…

  • Create a Problem

    Create a Problem

    Law of attraction is creating space where things can come in? And law of negative attraction is building energy in what you already have to attract what you want? Actually, the law of negative attraction is creating space. You create a problem to create the desired outcome. You create a problem by looking at the…

  • Before the Age of Reason

    Before the Age of Reason

    According to strictly scientific thinking, causality is at most a useful fiction. No matter the event, there is only the possibility that it will happen. Some things are highly probable, but nothing can be predicted with absolute certainty, which in a way compromises the strictly materialist view they hold, and yet we perceive causality to…

  • Everything Relevant Begins in our Minds

    Everything Relevant Begins in our Minds

    Events that occur together arise out of the same substrate or medium that allows anything to occur in a given time and place at all, and the same process, by which we become aware of an event, has its parallel in how the event happened in the first place. The sun rose this morning for…

  • Probably There

    Probably There

    Let’s consider the apparent order of any given situation. Anyone care to pick one to serve as an example? You mentioned earlier about the sun rising and our observation of that. That works. The sun rises every day. As far as most people are concerned that is adequate to understand the passage of a day.…

  • A Communal Phenomenon

    A Communal Phenomenon

    Applying the law of synchronicity can be as simple as having a different thought? It can, yes, and your habitual thoughts show up as synchronicities in your environment. But perhaps some clarification… Habitual thoughts don’t have to be conscious thoughts. There are many experiments, that are reliably reproduced in labs these days, that can “prime”…