Wuxing Cycle Of Creation
Shall we choose a specific focus and give the wuxing take on it? Suggestions? Art? Perhaps states of mind, which relates to art and problem solving as well. You cannot think in only one category. You will naturally think in all five (earth, fire, water, wood, metal) but perhaps you may be conscious of only one…
Wizard Friendly
Everyone familiar with Myers Briggs? The five wuxing categories (earth, fire, water, wood, metal) actually exist in Meyers Briggs even though they only use four terms. The recombination of these four terms into distinct sets is the category of wood. This is why wood people make good trainers and educators. How do the categories match up…
Fight Before Fighting
In martial arts, some claim to be able to disrupt your chi and make you weak. They can, because they fight you before actually fighting you. They have developed an awareness of their own chi advanced enough that they can recognize chi patterns in you, and they deliberately shift their state to exhaust yours. Not…
Force of Charm
What is charm? A captivating demeanour. It seems like it puts other people at ease. I will offer this. Charm is a state or trait of having purpose, and we experience charm not just from something or someone having purpose, but when this purpose is at least to some degree evident. I was going to…
Systematic Charm Work
They say history repeats itself. The practice glamour, which is the name for systematic charm work, is you look at the world as an ongoing dialogue. We are bound by our natures to behave in certain ways. We seek food and shelter, some degree of companionship with our own species, and intellectual diversion. These among…
All Of Us Is Creator
We don’t have control of charm because we don’t correctly identify what we are working with. We see feelings as “just my emotions”. We see events as accidental. We see unusual perceptions as just being imagination. We believe in coincidence? Yes, and it’s not a meaningful word, not as far as definitions go. Co-incidence. Simultaneous…
Embracing The Wholeness Of Our Being
Perhaps to take Glamour work back into human experience… We have all heard the term feminine charms, yes? Women these days often resent the term feminine charms, feminine wiles. It implies they are being deceptive, but in fact the opposite is true. The supposed wisdom is in fact the lie. Mostly women don’t like the old…
Speak For Our Spirit
How do we perceive illusion? Unwelcome. False. Not real. Yes. It’s typically seen as unwelcome, and judged as not real. But all of your problems are illusion, does that make them go away? No. Sound, light, sensation, vibration, resonance. All of your experience is the way something seems to be. It’s reality is an energy our bodies…
Live Charmed Lives
When it comes down to deciding between cookies or no cookies, that choice is a charm. It may seem a silly and meaningless choice, but they all echo. No cookie can become no kiss. No kiss can become no love. No love can become no hope. No hope can become no life. Cumulative choice. Yes.…
Surface Landscape
Pathworking is a wide spread but very esoteric practice. Pathworking goes by many names, but the principle is universally the same even if the practices differ. You may know more about them from your own studies or practice. Native American vision working is pathworking. Some contemplative meditation techniques are pathworking, and well… You can tap…
Start At Common Ground
The pathworking traditions each have a set of teachings. They all serve a similar purpose to help you connect with deeper things while you are in your normal daily state of mind. This is why they seem like a mix of cosmology and mythology. In Tibetan Buddhism, they have a huge collection of Buddha’s each…
In The Land Of Monsters
In pathworking, between the first two points it often still seems like you are just making things up. Go from shallow imagination to deeper more immersive imagination and many people stop there. They have their little head trip and don’t go any further, but why do that? Still curious friends? It’s safer that way? Yes,…
Through the Veil
Have you all heard of the veil? Everyone has many selves, because there are many veils. In the cabalistic system, there are ten. Can you see yourself in a mirror if you are standing far away from it? Farther away then that, you could not, but we are never very far from the veil so…
Realm of Wisdom
I won’t go into the whole map for pathworking. We are following what they call in Kabbalah the middle pillar. The super highway of that realm. It has width as well as depth. At the next level past the realm of intuition, we reach the hall of wisdom. It’s a realm of memory, also called…
Community and the Ancients
Beyond the place of wisdom is the place of communion, the community. It’s seen as a vast city or a verdant tribal hunting ground. A camp where one can speak with the elders. This is the realm of the persistent spirit, not of souls, but of the creative work. That’s not the last place. It…
First Home
There is a place beyond even the ancients. The place of first creation, first home, deep home. It has a few names, but it is often mentioned in every creation myth, and it’s empty. It is also called the throne of God, the light over the waters, the primal egg, but yes, it is empty.…
Vista of Time Space
Now on the subject of “Oracles Time”, divination is more like a map than a clock. All forms of divination fit this description as loose as it is. In the regular view of time, it moves sort of like a pathway. It follows an apparently linear progression and doesn’t seem to have a lot of…
Time Spread
The Greeks had two notions of time, two words for time, one quantitative and the other qualitative. Chronos is the Greek word for quantitative time, the measure of times apparent progression. Kairos is the Greek word for qualitative time, the window or threshold in which specific events are possible. Oracular time works with kairos more…