Tag: space

  • Ritual Space

    Ritual Space

    The Hawaiian people have what could perhaps be called family gathering spots. The spot is automatically a meeting place between them and the spirits. Many sites like that here, yes. Ancient to present time. That’s done with the set up of the space, and people also use symbols to define their space. Mandalas, Navajo sand paintings,…

  • Space Between

    Space Between

    If I can also imagine sensory stimuli, then what isn’t imagination? What needs clarifying is what is imagination. There are principles that present themselves to the imagination, but imagination itself is not a derivative phenomenon. It is the “fifth element”. Imagine if the four elements had no distinctions between them. If there was no way…

  • A Question Of Space

    A Question Of Space

    People believe that human consciousness is a special case. They consider that human sentience is a fluke, or that it has no connections other than those that are self determined. Am I mistaken? People seem to equate self awareness with subjectivity, questions of I and the world according to me. Humans have attained much. Was…

  • Time Space Structure

    Time Space Structure

    How many of you have seen a figure in your dreams that you could not make out? That gave the inescapable impression of being totally independent of your mental function? We see dream characters all the time. We all to some degree know them for what they are. Are you referring to thought forms or…

  • Vista of Time Space

    Vista of Time Space

    Now on the subject of “Oracles Time”, divination is more like a map than a clock. All forms of divination fit this description as loose as it is. In the regular view of time, it moves sort of like a pathway. It follows an apparently linear progression and doesn’t seem to have a lot of…

  • Negative Space Patterns

    Negative Space Patterns

    Ever find yourself watching water drip from a faucet? Notice you have a sense of its rhythm even if it’s a little staggered? Yes, the body mind stops. Suddenly one is feeling, and everything is less serious, and all is ok. Indeed. That is the essence of what I am getting at on anticipation as…

  • Non-Space Continuum

    Non-Space Continuum

    The core concept behind today’s topic of transdimensional transgression is what is referred to in physics as the observer effect. Just as the planet has undergone a mineral evolution because of the presence of life on and beneath its surface, the surface of emergent space in our world impinges on adjacent regions of what we…

  • Causal Interaction Across Phase Space

    Causal Interaction Across Phase Space

    Now perhaps this level is the best for explaining causal interaction across phase space, shall we? Each parallel earth is its own physical entity just as physical as our own. Why this is possible is that they exist at different phases or states of resonant information from our own. Enough of their physical reality has…

  • Space


    How do you experience space to be? Outer space, or 3 dimensions? Any concept of space you have. How would you describe it? Having 3 dimensions and able to hold mass. I offer that space is deeper than our three dimensional experience, and that mass itself is just another form of space. Objects we perceive to…

  • Flip Side to Our Space

    Flip Side to Our Space

    Could you explain the observer effect and how is it used to affect things from the other side? Certainly. People tend to visualize an atom almost as if it were a 2D object. Some may view it as 3D, but it has more dimensions than that. As the observer effect influences a wave function in…

  • Space Between Experience and Self

    Space Between Experience and Self

    How often do we have the experience of being absent minded when we are just sitting? While just sitting, we forget who we are? Or where we are? Daydreaming. And what do daydreams consist of? Experience? Memories, imagination, images. Are they directed by the patterns of our experience? Show any real relation to our sense or…

  • Space Between Dimensional Pockets

    Space Between Dimensional Pockets

    In the space between these dimensional pockets, you have the seventh dimension. It’s a medium that is superficially apparent in the fifth, and surrounds the sixth like an atmosphere. Just as we can look up and see the night sky but exist in a relatively closed environment, an ecosystem, outer space doesn’t directly affect us…

  • Senses Organized Around Space

    Senses Organized Around Space

    So yes, all of our senses organize around our sense of space. Our brains map things metaphorically speaking. Even in my case, as autistics are known for exceptional visual skills, those come in two flavours. A sort of modelling, and a tracking of spatial relationships, order and organization. Can you guess which is mine? Spatial…

  • Your Thoughts are a Space

    Your Thoughts are a Space

    Shall I go over the line a bit before we conclude? Would you say you find my talks fascinating? Yes. Do you know why you do? It’s different than how I think. Is it the same as any of the friends you know think? Nope. The same as anyone you like or admire thinks? Well,…

  • Creating Head Space

    Creating Head Space

    When song writing and bike riding become the same thing, then you understand creativity. If you can catch a wrench, you can catch a different view of your idea, or a severe headache, and then later a different view. How many times have your old ideas hit you over the head? Not often. What happens…

  • Space to Move

    Space to Move

    To renovate, to renew, to revive we must clear away blockages. What is it that makes something a blockage? Resistance? Can you renovate without removing anything? Maybe by enclosing all the old stuff in a new package, but that’s not really renovating. Abandoned perception. First perhaps a clarification of will. That thing that I mention…

  • A Shadow Across Time Space

    A Shadow Across Time Space

    Space is three dimensional. This takes no wild stretch of the imagination. Time is also three dimensional. In our normal experience, we perceive time to play out over dimensions of space. We perceive ourselves to age over the dimension of space we allocate to our bodies, but in general, time seems to be invisible to…

  • Spells in Glitch Space

    Spells in Glitch Space

    Shall we discuss how spells fit into the glitch space? Spells, through deliberately constructed expressive behaviours and specially selected stimuli, like incense or coloured cloths, or our reaction to waving a knife around, seek to simulate not a facet of personality but a process, a naturally occurring process, as if it were an aspect of…